Friday, January 13, 2006

"Arrested Development" lives... sort of

From a Fox press release (some spoilers included in the second paragraph):
A two-hour season finale episode of ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT will air Friday, Feb. 10 (8:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX.

In the season finale, George Sr. hires a new attorney who asks the Bluths to participate in a mock trial to help prepare them for the real thing. The attorney gets actor Judge Reinhold to preside over the mock case. Meanwhile, Buster fakes a coma to get out of testifying and George Michael and Maeby participate in a mock wedding to entertain hospital patients. Back at the office, Michael discovers he may have a long-lost sister named Nellie Bluth (Justine Bateman). In an effort to get to the bottom of things, Michael tracks down Nellie and hires her as a consultant for The Bluth Co. Unfortunately, Michael discovers Nellie’s hands-on approach is more than he bargained for. Meanwhile, Gob goes to Iraq to perform his Christian magic act on the USO tour and ends up incarcerated. Michael learns George Sr. sent Gob to Iraq to burn down the model home he built there, so Michael and Buster fly to Iraq to spring Gob from prison. Together, the Bluth brothers head to the model home, where they make a discovery that could end the family’s legal troubles forever. Back in Orange County, Lucille decides to throw a yacht party to celebrate. The Bluths gather aboard the Queen Mary for a trip that ends up being far from smooth sailing.
Well, it ain't a pickup by Showtime or ABC, but at least we don't have to wait for the DVDs to see the last four episodes. And Fox is doing this in sweeps, no less -- albeit a weird sweeps where everyone is mostly playing dead opposite the Olympics. Feb. 10, not coincidentally, is the night of the opening ceremonies, so Fox is just using "Arrested" as cannon fodder.


  1. What crap!! That is an awesome show. The finale is set up to be good and they just kill it.

    Man, someone on that show must have really pissed FOX off.

  2. Gee, I wonder why the show doesn't get good ratings....

    Fox sucks.

  3. This show is brilliant. Fox has a history of screwing up shows that are awesome, and this show was no exception.

  4. Fox has a habit of screwing up the brilliant shows that it gets, and this show was no exception.

  5. yeah but they can take the time to sandwich a steaming pile like "the War at Home" between 2 good shows, and wonder why it gets good ratings. BECAUSE WE'RE ALL TO LAZY TO CHANGE THE STATIONM FOR A HALF OF AN HOUR! Put arrested on in that slot and see the ratings fly. For the love of Gob just give it a fighting CHANCE!

  6. Suck it, Fox. Suck it long, suck it hard.

  7. anyone else seen the adult swim ads where they suggest picking up the show because they've "picked up fox's trash before"?

  8. your a jew kevin

  9. Help! What is the storyline from this Monday? I am assuming it was new and I missed it. I haven't missed the show in three years. I remember a tease about Justine Bateman showing up as a possible Bluth sister.

    Just 4 or 5 sentences as to what happened would be super appreciated.


    Parker, CO

  10. Shows this good never last . . .it's too smart, the audience as A__HOLE too dumb.

  11. Arrested is good enough of a show that I'll not bother watching the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Seriously, any part of that yawn-fest worth seeing will be replayed in the news for days to come.

    I think they put it on against the Olympics because they might use this to see how strong the show is against a big competitor.

  12. There wasn't an episode this week. Fox pre-empted it with a House repeat. The Justine Bateman that's kicking off the "two-hour finale" is the one that would have aired, but didn't.

  13. The show is too involved and too intellectual for most ofm america to follow/find funny :(

  14. This show sucks. I willingly watched 4 episodes and they all sucked. Not funny. dumb stuff. most of america gets the jokes, but dont laugh cause they are not funny. good job on cancelling a dumb show.

  15. it's a damn shame that the best comedy on tv, and one of the best shows ever produced is unappreciated and unsupported... on top of that it's really depressing that american audiences are too dumb to get it.... I'm sure if it was a half hour comedy about a nascar driver the ratings would be thru the roof. ugh.... people

  16. Just because we think the jokes are NOT funny, does not mean we don't "get them". Maybe you're the dumbasses for laughing at them!

  17. Okay, yuo don't like the show...why would you go out of your way to cll the viewers of the show idiots? Probably because your a loser a-hole who has nothing better to do than put others down to feel better about yourself.

  18. why do you retards even bother posting that "this show sucks"? it doesn't, from what you can see on numerous forums all over the web. while you may get the obvious jokes, you 'tards just don't get the subtle humor, pure and simple. i really hope it gets picked up by another network, but don't think that'll ever happen. fuck you, fox, for killing another great show.

  19. You morons who "think" you get the jokes, but they aren't funny are not really getting them. None of the jokes on this show are to be taken at face value. There is always something behind that obvious joke that makes it hilarious, if only for viewers that have been watching this show since the start.

  20. Maybe I'll put it in Fox's brownie.

  21. don't say that people who don't get the jokes are stupid. Because now you're just saying 95% of people are stupid.
    I take things at face-value and laugh my ass off every episdoe.

  22. Maybe you're not smart, too. I didn't know until they told me...

  23. If this show was so great, it wouldn't have been canceled. I don't understand why this show has such a hardcore following. No, it did not seem like 'intelligent humor'. It seemed more immature than anything from the commercials I saw. Not worth watching=cancellation.

  24. This show is alright, but not that good. For those of you who think it's "intellectual" who are you kidding? The show is like any other american show...the jokes are pretty lame half the time.

  25. I just couldn't leave the last comment on this forum as a negative monologue regarding this show. This show has been gone for a couple of years now, yet the show's fan base is still as passionate about it as when it was cancelled. In a country that allows "Two and a Half Men" to win Emmys and "According to Jim" to stay on the air for 8 years, AD was a bright spot in entertainment. The only problem with this show was that it didn't pander to the lowest denominator; the show did not recognize that the vast majority of America would rather "Git'r Done" and the opposing group on this forum are great examples of that mentality. Now there is talk of a AD movie and, while it may not sell as many tickets as the next Blue Collar Comedy tour, I am sure that I will be in audience surrounded by other cerebrally blessed souls. And remember, "Tricks are what whores do for money... and cocaine"

  26. Arrested Development has got to be one of the best sitcoms i have ever watched. No lame-ass jokes or corny stuff. The humour is quite subtle and better than your run-of-the-mill slapstick humour.
