Thursday, February 16, 2006

Wha happen? Nothin'

Last night was "Lost" at its absolute worst, teasing and teasing and not actually revealing anything or moving the plot forward. Oooooohhhh, the doomsday clock almost went haywire! Ooooohhhh, the balloon guy might be an Other! If it wasn't for the presence of Clancy Brown, a good performance by Naveen Andrews and the unintentional comedy of those awful CGI backgrounds to make Hawaii look like Iraq, the whole hour would've been a colossal waste of time. At this point, I almost prefer the episodes that have little to nothing to do with the mysteries of the island; at least there, you're not expecting more than you're going to get.


  1. I liked the ep. I see your points, but on the other hand, we now know that *something* happens when the clock run out. Also, we may not know if the captive is an "other" or not, but his capture alone is a major development--and I think they went a good way towards confirming him as one anyway. And we know that Kate's Dad knew Sayid. Add that to last week's revelation that Sawyer knew her Mom, at least in passing, and the ties that tie all these characters together are getting tighter. I saw it as a gathering-steam ep, bringing into play elements that will be needed for the last push to season's end.

  2. Oooh...harsh. I thought this was a good episode myself. An ancient history enthusiast friend of mine saw a screencap of the hieroglyph and translated it to mean "to cause to die." Something was actually put into motion when the numbers ran down. Considring some of the parallels to Moses and Aaron that have been popping up, I'd guess the ten plagues of Egypt are about to occur.

  3. But Hurley and Sawyer went out in search of a loud frog. What a fantastic B-story!!!!!!

  4. someone plagarised your post
