Friday, May 26, 2006

'Lost' link

This morning's column, which features slightly expanded thoughts on "Lost" and a breakdown of the NBC schedule revamp.

Between now and when "Rescue Me" premieres on Tuesday night, I hope to get through a bunch of pilots and offer some brief thoughts. I've already seen a few of the CBS shows, so I may post an entry on them by this afternoon. And if not, happy Memorial Day weekend, everybody; go enjoy some barbecue.


  1. Alan, I enjoyed your column, but I have one nitpick. I think you're wrong about Ana Lucia's dying after her first flashback. Wasn't there another, early in the seaon, when we saw her kill a man?

    Do the producers of Lost know where it's going? Maybe it's wishful thinking, but I'm not ready to say the show has no master plan.

    Unrelated question . . . I guess I missed this story about how HBO is letting the contracts of Deadwood's stars expire. I guess that means if David Milch can't raise money from non-HBO sources, the show won't get its fourth season to wrap things up. Too bad, huh? What are the chances of its coming back?

  2. That's correct. There were two flashback episodes for Ana Lucia, not counting the pseudo-flashbacks on the Island in "The Other 48 Days."

  3. I think Shannon is the only one to have died in the same episode as her only flashback.

    Boone only had one flashback episode, but he didn't die at the end of it. He died during an episode that featured yet another flashback for Jack.

    The present day story for Boone when he was having his flashback had him conked on the head and some weird paste applied to the wound by Locke, which gave him visions.....

  4. I caught a "Planet of the Apes"(Charlton Heston, not Tim Burton)vibe during the finale, mostly because of wacky asymmetrical piano pounding music when they were walking down the beach, but also the mini "forbidden zone" where Des killed Brother Justin. And, of Course, the wrecked Statue of Liberty with Homer's foot.

  5. Yup, you guys are right. Boone died during one of the Julie Bowen flashbacks about Jack's miracle bride, and Ana-Lucia did have a flashback before the one where she died.

    Lots of "Deadwood" questions lately. I'll try to do a larger post at some point, but the short version is that I think David's trying to put a sunny face on cancellation. The show's over. The actors' contracts have lapsed, as has the show's lease on the ranch where they film. This show has one of the biggest casts and one of the biggest sets in TV history; reassembling either of them now, let alone both, will be almost impossible.

  6. Not trying to be a jerk here, but do you guys not have spellcheckers at the paper? It's Portuguese, not Portugese.

  7. I will never again watch another hourlong series from HBO because of what they first did to Carnivale and now to Deadwood. It is simply reprehensible. To think that we won't get more seasons of Ian Mcshane doing what is one of the best characters on TV (right now, he is number two after Jack Bauer, for me) makes me want to vomit.

    I don't understand the thinking of the suits over there and I am glad for it. I refuse to watch any of their shows from now on until they are finished.

    Why bother getting into a show as great as Deadwood just to have the rug pulled out from under you and never get any resolution? Awful!
