Thursday, June 01, 2006

Pilot Watch: NBC & Fox errata

A funny thing has happened since I started watching pilots last week: I haven't seen a bad one yet.

Now, I don't know that I've seen a great one, either, but in the luck of the draw, the pilots I've watched (almost exclusively dramas) have all achieved a level of competence suggesting that, even if I'm not the audience, someone will be.

Same caveat as always applies: these are not reviews. Too many things are going to change between now and when these things air. These are just first impressions. Thoughts on "Friday Night Lights," "Heroes," "Standoff," "Vanished" and "Justice" after the jump...

"Friday Night Lights"
Who's In It: Kyle Chandler, Connie Britton, a bunch of newcomers and/or bit players from the movie
What's It About: The movie transplanted to a fictional Texas town where Chandler is the new coach of the most-hyped high school football team in the state.
Pluses: Peter Berg is back in the director's chair, and he knows what he's doing, both in depicting the town's hopelessness and multi-tasking between the stories of all the players and their hangers-on. I've always liked Chandler, and he's a good choice here as the untested rookie. I'm a sports movie nut, so this pushed all my buttons; even though I could predict everything that would happen in the big game before it happened, I still practically cheered by the end. Could be the first successful sports-centric drama since "The White Shadow."
Minuses: Again, I'm a sports movie nut -- to the point where if I stumble across "The Air Up There" (a movie in which Kevin Bacon teaches Africans how to play basketball) on cable, I'm unable to change the channel until the end -- so I'm not an unbiased observer. As I said, you will see every plot development coming before it does, and if you don't have my undying affection for the genre, I don't know whether you'll be willing to go with the predictability the way I was.

Who's In It: Milo Ventimiglia, Ali Larter, Adrian Pasdar, Hayden Panettiere, Greg Grunberg and many, many more
What's It About: People all over the world begin developing superhuman abilities -- a cheerleader who can't be hurt, a Japanese cubicle drone who can bend the space/time continuum, an artist whose paintings depict the future -- in advance of a coming apocalypse.
Pluses: Given the resume of creator Tim Kring ("Crossing Jordan," "Providence"), this is much more interesting than I was expecting. Just as "Friday Night Lights" appealed to the sports nut in me, this played to my inner comic book geek. The idea of "What would happen if people got super powers in the real world?" has been done plenty of times before, from "Watchmen" to "Unbreakable," but Kring has a nice spin on it: not nearly as solemn and pretentious as "Unbreakable," but serious enough that it doesn't seem like camp. I particularly liked Masi Oka as the Japanese hero (named Hiro, of course) and Sendhil Ramamurthy as an Indian genetics professor obsessed with proving that humans can evolve into superhumans. Also, director David Semel finds a way to shoot certain scenes as if they were comic book panels without cribbing the visual style of Ang Lee's "Hulk."
Minuses: It's a huge cast (Grunberg and a few other castmembers aren't even in the pilot) and, like "Surface" before it, so sprawling that I'm not sure what a typical episode might look like. Despite the avoidance of spandex and other comic book tropes (though Panettiere's cheerleader uniform sort of qualifies as a costume), you really have to be a geek like me to appreciate it, I think.

Who's In It: Ron Livingston, Rosemarie DeWitt, Gina Torres, Michael Cudlitz
What's It About: Hostage negotiating partners for the FBI are secretly, then not-so-secretly, dating.
Pluses: Ron Livingston is awesome. He just is. The man was in "Swingers," "Office Space" and "Band of Brothers," and he has a likable Everyguyness that will make me watch him in just about anything. He and DeWitt have nice chemistry. Most of the pilot has the light tone a premise like this needs to work. Glad to see Gina Torres have a regular job again, and to see Cudlitz (who was also in "Band of Brothers") essentially reprising his sniper role from "The Negotiator." (Say it with me: "I want Chris Sabian!")
Minuses: Torres is wasted in the Disapproving Minority Captain role. The slightly goofy tone of the early scenes that allowed me to buy that Livingston and DeWitt would be allowed to work together turns uncomfortably dark in the final scenes.

Who's In It: Gale Harrold, Ming-Na, John Allen Nelson, Rebecca Gayheart and many more
What's It About: A Senator's wife goes missing, and the FBI investigation suggests there's a conspiracy afoot that goes way beyond a simple kidnapping.
Pluses: Brisk pace, good cast (John Allen Nelson's come a long way from "Hunk"), a mystery that might potentially make me want to follow the entire case for a whole season.
Minuses: The key word is "might." "Prison Break" has made me very wary of this format (though, given the conspiracy angle, the senator's wife could reappear quickly without derailing the story arc), and I'm also tired of TV shows with elaborate conspiracy mythology.

Who's In It: Victor Garber, Kerr Smith, Eamonn Walker, Rebecca Mader
What's It About: "The Practice," Jerry Bruckheimer-style, with Garber as sleazy lead partner in a prominent Los Angeles criminal defense outfit and Smith as the firm's conscience.
Pluses: Garber has fun playing a narcissistic bastard. Eamonn Walker has a regular job. It's from the Bruckheimer shop, so it looks good and moves well.
Minuses: I'm personally burnt-out on the Bruckheimer formula, so my attention started wandering halfway through. Also, the pilot makes a big point of showing that their client didn't do it; will Bruckheimer's black-and-white worldview allow for a show where his heroes sometimes help guilty people go free?


  1. Maybe "Heroes" will be two hours in the end, but the version I had ran around 50 minutes and ended with a "To be continued..." title card.

    The stuff in Japan is funny, the rest not so much -- yet. Because there are so many people and locations, it's hard to get a handle on what the show is.

  2. They changed the title to "Justice"? "American Crime" wasn't generic enough?

  3. Keep in mind that the original title of "Close to Home" was also "American Crime." I firmly believe Bruckheimer is going to produce a pilot every year for the next five years with that title, then change it right before or after upfronts. It could turn out to be a good luck charm for him.

  4. I think the "Heroes" concept is really unique, and I can't wait to see the pilot for myself -- glad to hear it's promising! (And yes, this makes me a big geek as well.) Just one thing: is Milo Ventimiglia less annoying on this one than he was on Gilmore Girls?

  5. Milo's just kind of there, Lindy. I should have actually listed that as a minus, since he appears, for now, to be the lead and comes across fairly blank. As annoying as he could be on Gilmore Girls and Bedford Diaries, at least he was interesting there.

  6. Off topic, but I couldn't find an e-mail address: Rumor that Tom Shales is taking the Washington Post's retirement buyout.
    Shales Takes Post Buyout - 6/1 - DCRTV's hearing that longtime Washington Post TV critic Tom Shales (right) is taking the subscriber-slumping paper's latest employee buyout package. The word is that while Shales, a Pulitzer Prize-winning media writer who's been with the Post since 1972, will be giving up his fulltime status, he'll continue writing "contract" pieces for the paper. Shales' column is syndicated nationwide.....

  7. I think the "Heroes" they gave me was two hours. Dangerously slow building, though -- who's going to stick around to see the (pretty good) payoff at the end?
    Having just seen the latest "X-Men," however, I'm willing to forgive a multitude of sins, provided they don't come from Brett Ratner.
    I haven't seen the NBC dramas yet (other than "Studio 60" -- "The West Wing" with Matthew Perry!). I'm not yet emotionally prepared to see Ron Livingtone as an action hero.
