Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Fair is fair

When Denis Leary is funny, he's really funny. Go enjoy him and Lenny Clarke endangering the livelihoods of both Red Sox announcers in this clip on Deadspin.

UPDATE: NESN got the clip pulled, so go to Seth Mnookin's blog to read what Denis and Lenny had to say about Kevin Youkilis vs. Mel Gibson.


  1. The clip has been pulled at NESN's request. What did Leary say?

  2. Go to Seth Mnookin's blog for a transcript. The gist: learning that Sox first baseman Kevin Youkilis is Jewish inspires Denis and Lenny to make a lot of fun of Mel Gibson.

  3. That was classic! Thanks for the link!

  4. The video is back up! And they plan to keep it up, so more of you can check it out. Hilarious. Thanks, Alan.
