Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sunday links

Catching up, in reverse order: this morning, I have an interview with Jason Ritter where he talks about trying to learn the sitcom craft and what he inherited from his old man; on Friday, I panned Lifetime's Fantasia biopic (not that the review matters now, since it aired last night); on Wednesday we ran a mailbag topped by Jim Beaver (aka Ellsworth on "Deadwood") saying nice things about Matt; and on Tuesday, I wrote up my most recent encounter with Katie Couric, minus Wardrobegate: The Sequel. (For my brief account of that, read the comments in this post.)

Oh, and Fienberg has a good post about why "Snakes on a Plane" wasn't the box office phenomenon that some had predicted.

1 comment:

  1. Jeff, you're right. I had forgotten about the comic, which would mean Chris would have a "developed by" credit instead. Regardless, the larger point stands: Carter is not a man I trust to have a good endgame.
