Monday, September 18, 2006

Wire week 3 talk for the On Demand'ers

Comment away on episode 3, "Home Room."


  1. Thank you, Alan. I'm going to watch tonight and will post then. :)

  2. Is it just me, or is anyone else having problems getting to the text of THE WIRE recap post from last night?

  3. RP, I don't think a re-cap has been posted yet despite what the small line says. I think this area is just for comments and the re-cap sadly doesn't come until next Sunday night.

    Maybe you can post a re-cap for all of us? :)

  4. What was up with the Glynn Turman blowjob scene?

    It's bad enough they lingered so long on the act-- but when the woman turned her head, they slipped in a shot of what was either Turman's erect member or, more likely, a long prosthetic.

    I found that a step or two over the line for a show that's already offensively dull.

    Was this the first pay tv series to show such an x-rated object?


  5. Teresa, RP was referring to the episode 2 review, which had some screwed-up coding that has now been fixed.

    I hope.

  6. Okay. So I'm kinda confused but I guess this is the area for episode 40 (4:3), right? Hope so.

    Anyway, I'd heard rumors about full frontal nudity, and, well, there it was.

    All around another solid, powerful episode. The characters seem to get richer each week. Great to see Omar again (in all his, um, glory). It's moving to see a changed McNulty; Beadie has this beauty about her. I hope things work out between them because I'm really fond of her character.

    The scene where Herc knocks on Royce's door ... and then knocks again and says, "Okay, I'm coming in" was well-played and very, very funny.

    The final scene really moved me. Watching Dukie point his small fan towards the girl that slashed her classmate's face was so tender especially considering the kind of treatment he faces from the other kids.

    I will end by saying I could never teach middle school. Never.

  7. Epidodes one and two have paid off. This is the first episode of season four which has felt like the best episode of the series,a feeling I got used to during season three.

    Re-introducing Omar, Bunny Colvin, and the Deacon pleased me to no end. Adding in the domestic McNulty, and a succesful (on his terms) Bodie prepared season four to start in full.

    Colvin leaving the hotel room with no one in cuffs, Freamon and Greggs begging off Major Crimes, Carcetti rejecting a chance to score political points, and Prez beginning his journey as a teacher moved me no end.

    I envy those of you who got 13 screeners. I wait anxiously for episode four in a mix of empathy and curiosity.

  8. I just rewatched ep. 40 and that last scene got to me again. It's not just these kids; I think every middle school age child needs a therapist. At least that's how I remember it.

    The opening scene with Omar was quite comical. I enjoyed watching him run out for cereal in his electric-blue satin PJs and robe. I realized tonight that each opening sequence this season is wonderfully humorous (Snoop and the nail gun, Herc and the blow job, Omar in his jammies scarin' the kids in the 'hood).

    I'm one of those who watched seasons 1 - 3 on DVD or On Demand. I'm not used to waiting an entire week between shows, but rather watching an entire season in that span of time. The wait begins ...
