Thursday, October 05, 2006

Getaway day

Lucked into a rain-out ticket to this afternoon's Yankees game from someone who couldn't go, which means I'll be spending a good chunk of the day journeying to and from the beautiful Bronx.

There are threads below for "Lost" and "The Nine" comments, and while I haven't seen "Jericho" or "Kidnapped" (which, rumor has it, will be condensed down to a 13-episode story but kept on the air until then to avoid the bitterness factor) yet, feel free to post about them (or any other notable TV from the last few days) here, and I'll rejoin the discussion later today.

This morning's column is reader mail, leading off with the familiar discussion of how funny Earl on "My Name Is Earl" should be.


  1. Barry I. Grauman is being an equine's hindquarters.

    I read Darkly Dreaming Dexter in one sitting, and I'll probably do the same with the sequel this weekend. Great stuff.

  2. I knew something wasn't right with My Name is Earl, but I couldn't put my finger on it. You're right. Earl's supposed to be this bad guy, but he's never really done anything that bad. Not on the show, at least. But I guess that's why the show's a success, people don't deal well with moral ambiguities.

  3. Wheres the oriignal review of My Name Is Earl that the reader was responding to?
