Monday, October 23, 2006

Wire week 7 talk for the On Demand'ers

After taking last night off to avoid competing with Game 2 of the World Series, "The Wire" is back this week with the mid-point episode, "Unto Others." Have at it.


  1. This hilariously bizarre news story about some idiot politician's suggestion that we use old textbooks to make students bulletproof somehow brought to mind both Omar's and Prez's storylines in "Unto Others":

  2. Poor Bubbs. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe he's not at the end of his resiliency.

  3. The episode was top notch as usual. I really thought Bunk was going to let Omar rot in jail. Luckily his sense of right and wrong got the best of him. I miss McNulty more and more with each episode he does not appear in.

  4. Will Omar ever get into a fix he can't get out of? How many lives does this cat have, anyway? He's some kind of superhero, I guess. (His paperback "armor" was too thin to have stopped a shiv wielded by a sturdy convict.)

    The murder weapon in the Braddock case turns out to be a revolver. One slight problem with that: silencers don't work on revolvers, not even potato silencers.

    Glad to see that Cutty is finally "wising" up. I'm deeply worried about Bubbles, though. He's going to have to whack that mugger or else just give up on life completely as his last vestige of self-respect is stripped away from him.

  5. I'm a big big guy and I can imagine having a lot of trouble getting a prison shiv through one of those big paperback road atlases taped up like that. If you didn't know he was wearing it, you'd likely glance right off it.

  6. Actually, it isn't hard to punch a metal shank through half an inch of paper and an ace bandage (the road atlas was opened up before it was taped to his abdomen). Especially if you're some con who spends all day pumping iron. Plus, Omar's chest was totally unprotected.

    I loved that scene where Carcetti and Royce are sitting around chuckling at the nasty stuff each side had pulled on the other. I wonder how often political rivals will let it slide like that, after the race is over, instead of stewing in bitterness and resentment.

  7. Still love the show, but Prez's storyline is a bit . . . predictable. I hope for more McNulty and less Prez as the season plays out.

  8. Carcetti could not be making a better in tabbing Daniels as the next commissioner. I t will be great seeing Rawl serving UNDER Daniels. Hopegully he has some pay back coming to him for all the people he has crapped on.

  9. I haven't caught wind of any spoilers, this is just pure speculation, but I get the impression that Bunk's investigation into Omar's case is going to lead him to the bodies in the vacants.
    And I like that Randy, despite how loose-lipped he may be, had the presence of mind to be a little more discrete when speaking with the cops. I was legitimately surprised by that. And relieved.

  10. Sorry this is off topic but I have to ask - Can anyone advise me as to how best to go about attaining an entry-level/production assistant job with The Wire Productions Inc.? I have written, expressing my interest in learning the business from the ground up, and Mr. Simon's assistant was kind enough to respond in both writing and a phone call. I, of course, immediately applied for any position possible, but not having any previous experiences or contacts in the industry I'm concerned about my chances. Any and all advice, criticisms, etc... will be greatly - GREATLY - appreciated.


  11. Mr. Sepinwall, I can't help myself. I don't know of anyone else who has seen the entire fourth season of the wire. And so to you, because I know you'll understand, I would like to say: OH MY GOD.
