Monday, October 30, 2006

Wire week 8 talk for the On Demand'ers

Talk here about episode 8, "Corner Boys."


  1. It's getting harder and harder to watch because I've gotten attached to those kids, and the noose is tightening.

  2. Daniels' look at the end when he was offered the #3 job was priceless -- great twist by the writers. I guess we now know why Michael's so reluctant to bond with male authority figures, and based on next week's previews he's going to protect Bug by sacrificing himself. A completely selfless act to save his brother is what will doom him in the end, so classically The Wire but so tragic. I'm almost afraid to watch.

  3. You have to wonder what price Michael will have to pay. If I remember correctly, he was with Dukie and Randy when they went to see the body in the vacants. He knows Dukie saw Snoop and Chris put the body in there. Will he have to rat them out and maybe even kill them?

  4. Best episode of the season so far--despite the absence of Cutty, my favorite character. (Holland and Dickerson get my vote for best Wire directors.)

    I'm expecting a totally heartbreaking climax and chilling denouement 4 or 5 weeks from now. (Refresh my memory: How many episodes in this season?)

  5. another anonymous here...

    for a person like myself who has a limited knowledge of literary characters, Michael Lee is like Anakan Skywalker. We know he is very strong with "The Force" but which side will he choose.

    Well, after ep 45 ended and I saw the preview for ep 46, which showed Michael taking what I presume to be the problem of the return of his step-father to Marlo, I guess I got my answer.

    But, after I saw the preview for ep 46 I reflected back to another small moment that might have been positive turning point had it gone that way. It seemed as though Michael was very, very close to coming clean to Prez, or possibily going to the offered social worker, with his problem. Maybe at that very moment when Michael returns to his desk after basically telling Prez, "thanks, but no thanks", he may have made up his mind about what he needed to do. Namely, going to Marlo.

    Now, what exactly he'll need to do for Marlo to get his help, I don't know. But if Dukie has to go down for this, as a previous anon had mentioned as a possible senario, then I'm going to cry like a baby. It'll be much worse then when Wallace was kilt, and that was pretty rough.

    I know there are many places I could go to find the spoilers, but I won't do it. That being said, I cannot wait to see how this plays out.

  6. yo... where can i go to get the spoilers... let a brotha know... (
