Wednesday, November 01, 2006

30 Rock: I just got back from Ann Coulter's 60th birthday party

No major spoilers, but "30 Rock" gets a big thumbs-up just for that line, and for the rehearsal snippet of Jack's "Meep! Meep!" sketch. Last week's episode was more consistently funny, but this is turning out to be a good little comedy. Loved the Sorkin pedeconference parody.


  1. I concur. The show's really finding its stride and rhythm, and while it's going to get TOASTED in the ratings once it moves to Thursdays, NBC really does have four solid, funny, comedies in the Thursday lineup for the first time since 1993-94 (Mad About You, Wings, Seinfeld, Frasier)

  2. Yes, this show has gotten funnier every week. But -- not that she was missed -- this is the second ep in a row with no Jane Krakowski. What's going on?

  3. Me like, me like.

    I've always had a thing for Tina Fey. She's sort of unique in American comedy. Not a great comic actress like Andrea Martin or Tracey Ullman, not a magical charmer like Gilda Radner or Amy Poehler, but with a pinpoint sensibility... real sharp, real funny, and sexy because of that.

    And Alec Baldwin... holy shit! An Emmy lock??

  4. God damn it. I bad mouthed this show after watching the pilot, but it seems like there's an increasingly good opinion forming in regards to it. I think I best be giving it another try.

  5. Forgot about that Ann Coulter crack. How old is she in the Real World?

    Probably uses black magic to keep looking younger, and just our luck, she'll probably never die...

    My favorite line was a piece of good advice from Tracy: "Live every week like it's Shark Week."

  6. Not being a big Tina Fey fan, I wasn't looking forward to this and didn't plan to watch it. Happened to catch the first couple of episodes and liked it. Now it's one of the few shows I look forward to watching. Since souring on "Studio 60" and having just read if sorkin wrote about baseball, the "good walk and talk" had me on the floor.

  7. "According to Wikipedia, [Ann Coulter] turns 45 in December."

    That's the funniest thing I've read today.

    Just a really swift, solid ep. I keep forgetting to miss Krakowski.

  8. Loved Tracy tossing boloney onto the wall for no reason.

  9. I think that Wikipedia entry is the subject of an edit war; Coulter has been lying about her age for years and I believe claims to be 43.

    Didn't Sorkin do the pedeconference parody back in the first season of TWW, with Lowe and Whitford?

  10. I'm still laughing at "Fruit Lupus" and "Lucky Bastards"

  11. "Nuts to you, McGillicuddy!"

  12. West Wing did the "pedeconference parody" on itself long, long ago, Mac. You remember right. Just like every other joke on 30 Rock that isn't delivered by Alec Baldwin, it felt old. And not in the easy target Ann Coulter way.

  13. "You're making me gay!"

    "Be a good listener, a giver of gifts, and work that vajay-jay." (I think Kenneth is my favorite.)
