Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I used to like David Caruso...

Endless CSI: Miami one-liners. Have fun counting the number of times he doesn't flip on the shades.


  1. This is like those prolonged bits on The Simpsons - funny, then not funny, then hilarious. I remember being excited about CSI: Miami; how could a show with David Caruso, Rory Cochrane and Khandi Alexander go wrong?

    I was so young then...

  2. And Emily Procter--so good as Ainsley Hayes, and now relegated to the horrid dialogue of CSI: M. Part of the charm of CSI: Original Recipe is that many of its characters are unabashedly dorky screwups (Grissom, Sara, Stokes, Greg Sanders). In contrast, Miami's CSI's are all "hip" and "cool."

  3. Also the original characters all pretty much have actual character (background, etc.). The CSI Miami characters main character trait seems to be pretty, and then they have slowly been trying to add in character to them. And boy does Caruso massacre the bad dialogue. You really don't think it can be as bad as it is.

  4. Kim Delaney should be grateful she got canned when she did.

  5. That's great. Now, if only someone would give the same treatment to Jerry Orbach.

  6. I often wonder...

    If Caruso...

    ...has those one-liners specified in his contract.


  7. It looks like...

    [Dons sunglasses]

    ...the joke's on Caruso.

  8. David Caruso doesn't write the shit he has to say, you know, and he created Horatio out of nothing, even giving him annoying habits like the sunnies and the turning sideways. True, Horatio is not as active or as interesting he was in season 1-3, but give the guy a break.

    David is a gifted actor doing a good job with shitty material.

  9. Caruso can't act his way out of a paper-bag. Someone should shoot him. Honestly.

  10. Agreed! better sooner than later.

  11. I agree with the two last posts....he can't act,he has no style....he is a complete douche.
