Monday, November 20, 2006

Reading is fundamental

Two column links today: I interview Sars from TWoP about the new TWoP book, plus a mailbag dealing largely with mid-season moves. But the "Studio 60" letter from a local minister is quite nice.


  1. That TWOP book should come with a CD of cricket sounds you can play every time they try to make a joke.

  2. In response to your letter about the CBS post-football start times:

    What I don't understand is why CBS offers episodes of so many of its shows on-line, but doesn't offer The Amazing Race, which is one of the shows affected by football. I know lots of people who have given up on TAR because they consistently lose the last 20-30 minutes of the show on their TiVos and can't get it anywhere else.

  3. Good one, Jim!

    If TWOP folk can't take criticism of their precious site, they shouldn't venture into other parts of the web. For all the "snarking" you people do on shows, celebrities, and other targets, you sure have thin skins when it comes to your own site.

  4. Since when is "dumb-ass" unprintable?

    I like the book.

  5. In my newspaper, it is, Adam.

    And play nice, people.

  6. The mailbag has me wondering something, Alan. CBS currently puts almost all of their shows online EXCEPT the Sunday night shows. Wouldn't they be the most logical choices to end up on the web since they often air at irregular times? All 3 CSIs are on there, and they're produced by the same people as TAR, Cold Case, and WAT, so it's obviously not a studio issue. It doesn't make any sense to me. Can you please talk to someone at CBS about this?

  7. Well, obviously the Steve Irwin thing is an unfortunate coincidence, but I'm surprised they left the "Jackass" sequel bit in there. You know, there's this website where they have information about past and upcoming movies - kind of a database. They should've double checked on that.

    (Yeah, cheap shot, but how often can I slag on the TWOP folks for something like that?)

  8. I participated in the TWoP "Deadwood" forum and while the recaps were somewhat ironic, I didn't find them snarky. The recapper was in reality as big a fan as the rest of us. I don't read the rest of the site, though.

  9. "If you don't like the site then you probably won't like the book. But no need to be rude about it."

    If there were no need to be rude, they wouldn't have careers.
