Monday, November 13, 2006


Or some other football-related cliche. NBC just gave "Friday Night Lights" the back nine.


  1. Glad to see NBC is going the whole nine yards.

  2. Oh, this is excellent news. I'm very well pleased.

  3. I'm very pleased to see this news, particularly since this is a program that actually was on the edge. (It came as no surprise when Heroes got the back nine, for instance.)

  4. Unexpected, but welcome.

  5. Hooray! I'm so glad NBC is sticking with it.

  6. football is dumb

  7. What's interesting about NBC's actions this year is that conventional wisdom would suggest both Studio 60 and FNL would have gotten the ax three weeks ago. I hope these decisions to ride out the shows for a whole season pays off. It's almost like NBC is trying to brand itself as being an elite network-- the shows might not be the ratings juggernauts CBS or ABC produces, but its viewers are arguably smarter-- or at least crave something untraditional. Hey, maybe we'll get a show about the exciting life of the United Nations next. ;)

  8. Yes, eric!

    The spirit of Jordan McDeere lives! ;)

  9. I'm thrilled. NBC's built up quite a bit of good will from me with this one.

  10. Alan -

    I noticed in the NBC press blurb that FNL is doing well in the 18-34 demographic. Does this outweigh the show's mediocre overall ratings? I seem to recall a similar discussion regarding the male 18-34 demo being the most attractive to advertisers, because this group is most likely to spend...
