Friday, December 01, 2006

I'm expecting a call from 1983

A bit slammed right now, but use this thread to comment on "My Name Is Earl" and "30 Rock" here.


  1. Joy in anger management was hilarious. Loved the "If it feels good...Its probably wrong" poster.

    Loved the sly forshadowing of Joy's pregnancy.

  2. Riiii-co-laaaaaaaaaaa

    I loved that. Had to rewind it twice to see Randy do it again and again.

  3. I think 30 Rock edged Earl for the funniest comedy of the night. While Earl had some good laughs, 30 Rock had some great laugh-out-loud moments from the '29 year-old' conversation between Jack and Jenna to Jack's digs at Liz about her boyfriend. It'd be a shame if 30 Rock gets canned because I think it's the funniest sitcom on TV right now.

  4. I was surprised there was no Ricola commercial during the episode, unless I fast-forwarded too quickly to notice it.

    Cash-strapped NBC must be slipping if they didn't cash in on that promotional opportunity.

  5. Great news! 30 Rock has won a full season. I am really happy, since the show is getting better and better (though I doubt it'll top the episode "Jack-Tor"...absolutely hilarious).

    All four shows were good to great yesterday, and it's certainly the best 2 hours on television.

  6. 30 Rock is a delight, but the Jane Krakowski character needs retooling. She gets weaker as those around her get stronger. And I'd like to warn you all not to go the Wikipedia entry for Rat King unless you like gross-out pics.

  7. Tina Fey deserves a medal for putting her neck on the block every week and letting Baldwin chop away. "If you were any other woman on Earth... I'd be turned on right now." Nice to see Dean Winters again after he got killed off on Rescue Me, although I wish he'd take some diction lessons already. What a marblemouth.

    P.S. Starbuck hits like a girl.

  8. L: This water, does someone boil it first and then throw it in your face?

    J: Admit it, I look ten years younger.
    L: No, even younger, you look like a fetus.

  9. hey Jim,

    Thanks for ruining "Rescue Me" for those who haven't caught up on it yet.

  10. hey anonymous,
    that episode of rescue me aired half a year ago. spoiler for sixth sense: bruce willis is dead. hope i didn't ruin it for you!

  11. Also: Rosebud was the sled.

  12. >>Also: Rosebud was the sled.

    Are you mad? You just ruined the punchline for a joke on Happy Days! Anonymous might as well give up watching television altogether, start doing community service.
