Thursday, December 07, 2006

'Sleeper' time again

Today's column previews "Sleeper Cell" season two:

A year ago, FBI agent Darwyn Al-Sayeed went undercover in a Muslim extremist cell, and working both with and against charismatic mastermind Farik (Oded Fehr), saved Los Angeles from a devastating terror attack.

And now he has to do it all over again.

The first "Sleeper Cell" was such a triumph -- a riveting popcorn thriller that actually had some thoughtful things to say about the War on Terror and the philosophical civil war within Islam -- that you can't blame Showtime for commissioning a sequel.

Unavoidable spoilers for the sequel, subtitled "American Terror," are coming in a minute. Before those, I'll say the new edition delivers many of the same thrills and intelligent debate that made the original so exceptional. But the mere act of bringing it back creates problems the original never had to deal with.

To read the rest, click here.

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