Monday, January 15, 2007

Denying The Donald

From the official blog: in which I take a valiant but futile stand against celebrity PR feuds.


  1. I wish Trump would realize how ridiculous he looks. At first I thought it was a calculated PR move by him. But now I think he's actually just nuts. If he was just in it for the publicity he would have realized that there was starting to be a backlash and would have backed off. But he really just can't let it go.

    We all know The Apprentice jumped the shark a long time ago but now it looks like Donald has jumped the couch. Like with Tom Cruise and his movies, all this negative overexposure is actually going to end up hurting Trump's shows. And he's too narcissitic to even realize it.

  2. I would totally love it if no one asked Trump questions about Rosie. In fact, I would love it if no one reported on the whole "feud" at all. Not that there is a chance of that happening.

  3. my dog Monty loves the feud so much he has written a silly comedy sketch on my blog as I think he's in lust with Donald's hair and his stable of bad beauty queens but then what horndog (other than Donald) doesn't love bad beauty queens

    cheers n barks from down under
    Willy n Monty

  4. That guy must have a really crappy job if he can get fired for not asking a stupid question. I hope the free food makes up for it.

  5. Alan, not sure if you were able to catch it due to TCA activities, etc., but this week's SNL also took this on. Trump is introduced at a press conference, every reporter asks him questions about The Apprentice (careful not to venture anywhere near the O'Donnell situation)...but Trump can't help himself and every single answer includes yet another dig at Rosie.

  6. That SNL sketch included Trump ending his last tirade against Rosie with "nanny nanny boo boo," too. Actually not a bad ep all around, except for The Shins being rather sadly boring.
