Thursday, January 11, 2007

I've only been at press tour for, like, 20 minutes...

...and someone has already told me to STFU. Sure, it was Sara Silverman, and I was kind of asking for it (my question was an admittedly anal nitpicky, Comic Book Guy-style question about a plot hole in the pilot of her new Comedy Central show), but still -- it's nice to feel welcome.

The official tour blog is a little buggy right now, by the way.


  1. Did you ask her if she's found a fourth punchline, yet? Because "...and then he raped me," "9/11," and "n-----" were only funny the first three hundred thousand times she used them.

  2. Hey! She also says "chink" sometimes.

  3. Actually, it's "gook", Treacher, get yer slurs right!
