Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Late links

Some personal stuff has gotten in the way of the professional column-writing (blog posts are much easier to put together), but I've had a couple of pieces in the paper this week, with at least one more to come. Monday featured another mailbag, while today is a grab-bag review and news column, with the second item -- a preview of tomorrow night's very silly "30 Rock" -- probably of the most interest to What's Alan Watching? readers.


  1. You know, though, the editing on the Bravo episodes of Six Feet Under isn't that bad. Obviously anyone in their right mind would rather watch the originals, but I've seen much worse in the way of cleaning up for cable. Though, I don't think they allow "shit," which is a shame, because I always love those "HUH? What channel am I watching?" moments when they say it on SATC on TBS.

  2. Hey Alan, is The Nine officially dead? My TiVo Season Pass is just sitting there all pathetically...

    You'd think I'd have learned my lesson after watching Reunion.

  3. Yes, The Nine is dead. They finished production on 13 episodes, but didn't order any more. It's unlikely the remaining episodes will air, but if they do, there will be no answers for what happened in the bank.

  4. I actually enjoyed The Nine, too, Marsha.

  5. I don't recall "Scrubs" ever featuring a "button". The last sentence on the first page of Monday's mailbag ("I'm not a fan") was cut off, by the way.
