Monday, January 08, 2007

Mail time

The morning column link: a mailbag dealing with the "My Boys" finale, the future of "Big Day," my continued dislike of "The Class," plus stuff on "Love Monkey" and "Doctor Who."

Also, the Television Critics Association press tour starts today, though I'm not leaving for LA until Thursday morning due to some obligations at home. The bosses and I haven't ironed out yet whether I'll be doing an official tour blog over at, but if so, I'll follow the same procedure as last time and do mirror links here to everything I write there.

And being at the tour means my actual TV-watching time will be at a minimum. (Ironic in the same way as Randal Graves' hatred of people but love of gatherings.) In certain instances, I'll have episodes in advance (next Monday's "Heroes" came in today's mail), and I'm going to try to take advantage of Internet streaming when I have the time, but a lot of the show commentary is going to be late, if not pushed back until my return to Jersey. So please be patient.


  1. Are they really getting rid of the reporter character on The Class?

    Jason Ritter just gave an interview over at and said they're working on integrating her more with the other characters.

    Either way, it's sad that this show actually started a bidding war at the networks. What a dud.

  2. So very bummed that "Help Me Help You" got the axe. That show was funny and deserved a chance to grow an audience. Feh.

  3. Also inspiring a bidding war? "Studio 60." Trying to think of the last bidding war show that actually turned out to be worth all the fuss. Most of the current generation of hits were either rejected by one or more other networks (CSI, American Idol) or were aired almost grudgingly by their own networks (the ABC triumverate, notably Grey's Anatomy, which was only going to air for a month before giving its timeslot back to Boston Legal).

  4. I liked the guy who pointed out that his sister cried during the Dr. Who finale. Not him, his sister.

    [Note: I wept like an old woman.]

  5. Wow, that little guy in the corner is annoying.

  6. Damn...I miss Love Monkey.

  7. I miss Love Monkey too!

  8. Chiming in on the Love Monkey love. I really enjoyed that show. It's too bad VH1 can't afford (and probably doesn't want) to do a series like that -- the reruns seemed to fit right in on that network for me.

  9. I think I remember reading that Love Monkey was seriously sought after by the WB, but that the numbers just didn't work because between the extensive location shooting and the cast full of folks who aren't "big stars" but could demand decent-sized paychecks, the budget numbers didn't play.

  10. Heard on the radio this morning that "The Class" won best new comedy or whatever the category's called on the People's Choice Awards last night. Yet another reason the PCAs are crrrrrap.

  11. Alan -

    Any plans on writing about Rome?
