Wednesday, February 21, 2007

American Idol: A little brass, a lotta pockets

From the brand-spanking new Idol blog at
Well, it's only night two of the interactive portion of Idol, and we already have two very stark dividing lines. The women as a whole are vastly better than the guys, and three of the women are vastly better than all the other women. If season three's theme was The R&B Divas Vs. The Pop Princesses, this might just turn out to be The Divas Vs. The Divas.

And Jersey girl Antonella Barba's day didn't end any better than it started.
To read the full thing, click here. Feel free to comment here if it's easier.


  1. I've turned off the word verification for the time being, since people were e-mailing me to say they couldn't comment.

  2. I thought the women rocked last night, but I hate that is having their way (see the predictions on for the top vote getters). It's so not fair because GOOD people are gonna get the boot while the not-so-good ones stick around. It's Nikki McKibben and John Stevens all over again.
