Wednesday, March 21, 2007

American Idol: Sad but inevitable results

My comments on the results show over at, your comments can be right here.


  1. So because I don't know who is going to be in a Broadway play-- I am too stupid to own a TV or cell phone? Are you that elitist? Excuse me for not breathing American Idol every second of every day which I guess would make a person worthy of coming to this blog.

  2. I guess it's finally time for me to start voting; Chris R should not have been anywhere near the bottom 3 this week.

  3. Anonymous: You're reading a TV blog post about American Idol, and then linking to a TV sub-blog dedicated entirely to American Idol and reading that post, but you feel like you're being talked down to because you're not paying close enough attention to American Idol to know that the show has been pimping Fantasia Barrino's role in The Color Purple all season? (I didn't watch the trivia part of the results show, but I assume that's what's being alluded to.)

    If you don't want to get offended because you don't breathe American Idol, may I suggest that perhaps you're reading the wrong blog?

    Turning to Alan: Totally agree that Stephanie was never going to win in a season this bloated with talented black women.

  4. Maybe I read Alan's blog more than I watch Idol. Seems an easier way to follow something what everyone else seems to be talking about then spending between two and four hours watching. Does that make me too stupid to own a TV or phone? Are you saying I should not read Alan because I don't watch every moment of Idol?

  5. I thought it was kind of crazy that Brad Garrett was on Idol after his off colored jokes at Idol's (Paula and Ryan) expense at last year's Upfronts.

  6. Any of the sistas Alan mentioned might could have rocked "To Sir With Love"... but I think only one needed to, and that's Melinda. She needs to show us a poppier side. Something fun... a really fun radio song.

    (I wasn't knocked out by Lulu's version tonight, actually... very, very busy.)

    Now Alan, if you have time to ponder this one: I think it's credible, based on talent alone, to imagine three black women in the Final 3. But, as Noone said, acutely, "it's not a singing competition, it's a voting competition." And as such, highly unlikely that Melinda, Lakisha and Jordin will outlast all the rest.

    If you accept my premise, who do guess, at this still-early stage, will be the next black woman voted off? I say Melinda. Probably not any time soon, but I see her wearing out her welcome before Jordin or Lakisha.

  7. I assumed that Lulu had a new release sometime this month, why else would she be on Idol? I was so glad, but then she sang an Idol-ized version of her beloved hit and I got kinda disappointed. Really, why would an artist go on Idol if there is nothing to promote?

    I'm not Alan, but I, too, agree that there is absolutely no way for these three to outlast everyone else. Not even two singers who share the same target audience can both last two long, let alone three. (Remember when Bo Bice almost got eliminated because Maroulis had an awesome night with Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody?)

    I see LaKisha leaving the competition in about a month. And I'm not too sure that both Melinda and Jordin will make it to the Final, unless Jordin manages to get the majority of the teen votes from Blake.

  8. Someone mentioned this in yesterday's comments, but I feel like I should like Melinda more, but I don't. She's good, but I don't really care. She's like a singer my grandfather listens to that I acknowledge as talented but not my cup of tea. Compare that to LaKisha who, when she is on and picks a great songs, makes me sit up in my chair. I had written off sparks as this year's gooey teenage upbeat Disney anthem singer, but when she took on that song this week, I was on the edge of my seat.

    Oh, and hopefully, Haley will wear the same outfit next week.

  9. Kristin wrote: "And Sanjaya makes it on tour...."

    At first, it seemed like that would be a cosmic joke on the producers -- ha ha, they've got to let Sanjaya perform on the big tour. But I wonder now whether they're loving that notion... How many adolescent or pre-adolescent girls will buy tickets mainly to see Sanjaya?

  10. Seriously why on earth is Sanjaya still on this show, each week you can see the shock in his face that he's not going home. I just wish he'd walk away from the this whole thing and admit what he knows, he's not as good as the rest.
    From what I hear Howard Stern is asking his listeners to tune in a vote exclusively for Sanjaya to ruin AI this season, so far it seems to be working
