Wednesday, March 14, 2007

American Idol: Top 12 results

Spoilers for who got the boot -- and other results show errata -- over at, but you can comment here.


  1. Something I didn't mention in the blog: none of the DialIdol bottom three (Sligh, Blake and Stephanie) were in the actual bottom three, and while you can write some of that off to margin of error, they predicted Sanjaya would be one of three totally safe contestants (along with Melinda and LaKisha), so either they don't have enough dialers yet or the producers have added enough extra phone lines to render the software relatively useless.

    Also, Sligh put his glasses back on, as Simon told him to do.

  2. I was pleased to see DialIdol get it wrong, just because it throws all of their other predictions up in the air.

    That said, I liked Brandon at first, but he got worse every week, and yesterday was truly pitiful. Not surprised to see him go.

  3. I think they sometimes duplicate songs on performance night and medley night, no? Or maybe pick the medly songs after the contestants pick? I just can't imagine producers having dibs.

    I think the Simon-Ryan "outfest" was completely staged. They love schtick on this show.

    Paula, and the contestants flubbing, are the only spontaneous moments.

    I liked the Ford ads, too.

  4. And Sanjaya gets one week closer to going on the Idol tour...I predicted this might happen....

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Alan, you want a column that will be linked to a lot? Talk to a statistician about what it would take to foil dialidol now that the producers are aware of its existence and need to protect the ratings for the results show. Some very simple techniques - for instance, software giving a random busy signal to 3-6% of all callers (who you know will call back anyway) is enough to screw up the dialidol predictions. This is particularly true in these early final rounds since the separation between the bottom 3 and the 4-6 lowest is probably very small, with a very large grouping at the top 2 or 3.

    Adding phone lines might not be their only technique, since it would take a great number of phone lines to cover 25-30 million votes.

    Call even a Masters Degree Mathematician for some quotes and you will have an article that is cited a lot regarding dialidol.

  7. Alan: I was flying and missed last night's result show, so I'm grateful for the update. And I'm glad you mentioned how good her coaching was on Tuesday night. I don't know why I assumed she was insane. She seemed quite cool and together.

    As for her vocal, well... not sorry I missed it. Matter of fact, her voice has always been thin. Which is perhaps why the hits from her songbook didn't make for interesting vocal showcases on Tuesday nights. She's got style and vibe and all, but she's never been a blowout vocalist.

  8. Uhhh... I refer, of course, to Miss Diana Ross.
