Thursday, March 08, 2007

American Idol: Your top 12, America

Well, that was pleasantly surprising. Two elimination night posts as usual at, one on Antonella and the others being eliminated, the other breaking down the top 12.

Take a look, then come back here to comment.


  1. Sanjaya just makes me want to vomit all over the place. And I really enjoy Sundance; despite his lackluster performances between Hollywood and two weeks ago, I think he could have provided some entertaining songs in the ensuing weeks.

    God, I am really just angry over the Sanjaya thing. The kid has no business even making it past Hollywood, let alone the Top 12. It's a travesty.

  2. The eliminations certainly began sensibly, with Jared and Antonella getting the ax, but Sanjaya's survival was a little surprising (the poor kid wants to go, grannies of America!) and Haley's nearly inexplicable. Haley was treated cruelly by the judges, so perhaps there's a sympathy vote here, but I like Alan's explanation more. American Idol is indeed a Red State show-- virtually of my Blue State friends consider it with dripping contempt-- and maybe singing Faith Hill was as good an idea as "I'm Not Ready To Make Nice" was definitely a bad idea.

    And amen to the sentiment that Vote For The Worst has a negligible impact on the results. It's this sort of screwy speculation about the power of cultish Internet phenomena that brought us SNAKES ON A PLANE, no? Sanjaya should have been booted, but I'm a little happier to see Sundance exit, because I didn't really see the potential that everyone else did there. (Also, "Jeremy"-- too Blue State?)

  3. Sanjaya makes absolutely no sense. But Sundance wouldn't have made it very far anyway. The only reason I was looking forward to Sundance moving into the final 12 was to let a stylist get a hold of that mistake growing on his face.

    And Haley? I agree with Simon. Who is she? I thought Stephanie was not as good this week as in previous week's, but to have her booted over Haley is a crime.

    There's always a couple of inexplicable choices that make it into the final 12. The bad part? Sanjaya, no matter when he gets booted, will be touring with the American Idol top 12 this summer. I feel sorry for whoever buys a ticket to that show.

  4. Whoops! I didn't mean Stephanie, I meant Sabrina!

  5. Only the top 10 make it to the tour, which gives the producers leeway when it comes to contestants who had no business in the finals to begin with (Leah LaBelle, Kevin Covais, Matt Rogers).

    And Christy, I'm not laughing at the country singers. When you look at how far Josh Gracin, Carmen Rasmussen and Kellie Pickler went in their seasons in spite of mediocre ability, and at how clearly dominant Carrie was in her year, country's a genre that the "Idol" audience clearly wants to hear more of.

  6. Alan, did those you mention not tour with the AI group in years past?

  7. Correct. Only the top 10 goes on tour, with occasional exceptions. (After season two, Josh Gracin's military commitments kept him off the tour, so Charles Grigsby replaced him, for instance.)

  8. I'll bet Sanjaya will stay longer than most of us anticipate. He could make the top 10 yet...

  9. Can't believe I predicted the four that would go home. I can agree with pretty much everything you said.

    My only comment about someone who made it: as a red-stater, I predicted Haley could stay by picking the song she did (and she's no Faith Hill, but it wasn't as bad as those who hate country wanted it to be). With no country singer left, it was her best shot at staying in and it paid off -- and if that's truly the kind of music she enjoys, perhaps it will allow her to improve if only she can hold on a week or two (okay, I doubt it, but perhaps).

    Now, about the departed: All I'll say about Antonella -- at least she chose a song that was young and potentially within her reach. She's learning, I think, and perhaps she listened to the criticism.

    Sabrina suffered from too much competition with much more personality. Another year, things might have been different.

    I've just not enjoyed Sundance since his audition. He had so much potential and couldn't realize it. And he thinks Jeremy was supposed to sound like that? REALLY? Not when I saw Pearl Jam.

    Jarred who? He lost me from the get-go with that horrid argyle sweater -- he wore THAT to sing a Stevie Wonder song? Again, no personality or sense of style.

    My only big complaint is that Sanjaya is in the top 12 over AJ. Other than that, I'm pretty happy with the choices this year.

  10. Youve got to be kidding. Many of us were heartbroken to see Jared go. He has a great voice and is a wonderful performer..just never got support from the judges or the producers from day 1. A definite agend but wishing him best of luck with his career. He's a real talent.
