Saturday, March 24, 2007

Battlestar Galactica reminder

The finale is longer than an average episode, even though most on-line listings I've checked have placed it in a 60-minute timeslot. If you're not watching it live, you're going to want to pad your VCR or DVR recording by at least 5 minutes, if not 10 -- or, just to play it safe, record the 11 o'clock "Dresden Files" rerun.

You will be very mad if you miss the last few minutes.


  1. Not me. I stopped watching this show after the terrible second season when i realized I had better things to do ith my time (reading, listnieng to music, working, going back to school, "The Wire," etc.).

  2. Alan,

    Is this just an accident on SciFi's part? Or maybe the result of some episode editing down to the wire? I have found that stations have been getting better about listing the proper running time of their shows, and I expect that a mistake like this up on a crucial episode (like the _Gilmore Girls_ flap a while ago) is going to annoy many, many people.


  3. TiVo's guide data has it as an hour and three minutes, which I usually pad by two minutes. Maybe I'll add another one just to be safe..,

  4. In last week's podcast, Ron Moore said that they cut the titles and "precap" because the episodes were running long. Interestingly, the actual running time of last week's ep was the usual 42 minutes. The extra time is probably because SciFi pads things out with so many commercials and "bonus" scenes.

    I don't think it'll present too many problems for viewers, given that few of them would be recording something else at 11pm. Still, I'm going to err on the side of caution and add a few minutes to the TiVo.

    Alan, will you be posting your review Sunday night? I've read the spoilers (absolutely no willpower here), but I'm really eager to see what you have to say -- and, from the tone of your recent posts, you're dying to talk about it. Looking forward to the review!

  5. I can't believe they're bringing back Daggit! And the whole show is just one of his doggy dreams!

  6. Alanna, yes, the review is already written and will be posted at 11:05 or so tonight, unless fatigue overcomes me and I go to bed before the show's over.

  7. So the last one of the final 5 is... Bob Dylan???
