Friday, March 30, 2007

Funny Dance Marathon, Day 3

Chicken dance fever from "Arrested Development"


  1. God, how I miss that show. Though 30 Rock seems to be their heir.

  2. You know Alan, I read your column every day and now I may have to suspend that. You just made me realize how much I painfully miss that show. I know have to go cancel my plans and stay at home and pop in those DVDs. Thanks a lot.

  3. You know, in a couple of decades I truly believe that this show will rank among the Comedy Classics, and this isn't limited to TV shows. God how I miss it!

    [Although, now Hurwitz & Day have this British political satire adaptation thing directed by Christopher Guess coming up, so I'm not complaining :-) ]

  4. A bit off topic, but I'm curious Alan if you will be observing the 'blog blackout day' in solidarity with the woman who received death threats on her blog. I don't know how big of a deal it is, but I just saw a video about it on Personally I think she and the others are overreacting, it wasn't so much a threat as a very bad joke IMHO. Do you have a take on this?

  5. "Have any of you people ever even seen a chicken?"

    Best line ever.

  6. ALAN--

    May I humbly suggest some "Poison" from my man Turk? I know you've posted it before, but it'd be a crime to not post it since you're wanting funny dance moves, yes?

  7. Aw, jeez. I'm a big, fat dumbass who didn't scroll down enough to see you already posted Turk. Sheesh... Sorry. :-)

    Maybe in honor of Blades of Glory, you can honor Will Ferrell's dance moves on SNL:

    But it ain't no Turk.

  8. I'm sorry, but a compilation of the chicken dances from the Bluths is without doubt the greatest Youtube sitcom dance clip ever.

  9. One of the millions of things that made A.D. peerless was how it built from episode to episode. It rewarded viewers with humor that relied on previous episode knowledge.

    My wife and I do the Bluth chicken dances at family functions and enjoy knowing which family members were "in on" one of the best shows in recent TV history.

    Yes, 30 Rock has some of that. Paging Doctor Spaceman (spa-chem-in).
