Thursday, March 15, 2007

If I've already seen it, what was new to me?

So, a few questions for anyone who watched the "newpeat" episodes of "The Office" tonight:

1)Other than the subplot about Pam winning the 6th grade art contest, was there anything new in the first half hour?

2)Was there anything new, period, in the second half hour? My DVR recorded both "The Office" and "Scrubs" but somehow cut off between 8:59 and 9. I'm assuming the Andy in anger management scene -- the entire point of the concept, to help correct the failed experiment -- was plugged back in, but I have no way of knowing for sure. And the rest of the episode was all familiar, though admittedly I watched the producer's cut on the morning after it originally aired.

I wasn't too enthralled by the execution. In particular, I felt "The Return" would have really benefited by the insertion of the scene where Jim tips off Michael about Andy's brown-nosing routine. Without it, Michael's uncharacteristically perceptive; with it, he's still Michael, and Jim's being even more decent than usual.


  1. I believe you're correct, and the unfunny "sixth grade art contest" bit seemed to come at the expense of the establishing "we're getting makeovers!" stuff for the Phyllis/Karen plotline.

  2. In the last minute of the 2nd half hour (with the credits rolling underneath), we see Rob Corddry driving to class & meeting his instructor, babbling his usual self-delusional rap alll the while. That's it. I was looking forward to the deleted material & was very diappointed. Gotta get one of them new-fangledy high-speed interweb connection thingys.

  3. I think weepinggorilla is referring to Ed Helms in his post, and he's right- the only new info was at the very end over the credits, and we see that Andy is going to management training. Anger management training. And then he started in on his "personality mirroring" with the instructor for the class. I'm interested to see if we'll check in with him on that training, or whether he'll just show back up "rehabilitated".

    I liked the additional scenes in Travelling Salesman, and I disagree that we lost any of the Phyllis/Karen makeover for it. We had the two establishing scenes in the car that aired in the original episode, and then the sale.

    We did lose the scene where Karen confronts Jim about his feelings for Pam in the coffeehouse, and he tries to deny but ends up confirming them. Instead we got the scene where Jim gets sidetracked with Pam about the art contest on his way out the door with Karen. I think both scenes were good in the way of showing us more Karen/Jim/Pam triangle. I think this scene said it almost as well as the original scene did. Do you know what I mean? Does anyone else agree?

  4. Thanks, abbie. All those ex-Daily Show guys running around apparently confuse me.

  5. Thanks, abbie. All those ex-Daily Show guys running around apparently confuse me.

  6. I thought I read somewhere that Michael was having trouble with the top of his Sebring, hence the messed-up hair when he went to Staples to rescue Debra Winger, I mean Dwight.
