Tuesday, March 13, 2007

An important question

No column today, and I haven't watched "24" yet, but as I'm working on a review of ABC's "October Road," I'm confronted with a tricky matter of terminology: do you call it air-banding if there are props involved? Because a bunch of the characters on the show get together every Saturday to lip-synch to cheesetastic classic rock songs by Boston and others, but they use tennis rackets for guitars, hairbrushes for microphones, etc.

And if it's not air-banding, what do you call it?

Also, feel free to use this as a catch-all thread for any non-"24" or "Riches" TV stuff from last night.


  1. I still think it's airbanding.

    And also a good reason NOT to watch October Road.

  2. When we did that in summer camp competitions, we called it lip synching.

    Haven't watched Riches yet, but it's on the TiVo.

  3. I suppose you could say it's "prop-banding," but that sounds silly. If the prop doesn't make sound, I think it counts as air-banding.

    As for the pilot, it's not enough to have reality shows where people pretend to have talent, now the scripted shows are doing it too?

  4. If "October Road" is anything like the promos, I think the word you're looking for is "awful."

  5. The weird thing is that the creator, Scott Rosenberg, was responsible for one of my favorite underappreciated series, Showtime's "Going to California," and this show is a sort of unofficial sequel: a number of shared actors, at least a couple of shared characters, and an inverted premise: what happens after the road trip ends and you go back to that dead-end New England town?

    But what worked on the road isn't nearly as interesting when it takes place back home, I suppose.

  6. The premise of October Road sounds exactly like the original pilot of Kevin Williamson's Glory Days, which was so badly recieved he retooled it into a mystery show that tanked anyway.

  7. That's the more obvious parallel, but as one of four people who watched "Going to California," I couldn't help but spot all the parallels. (It helps that one of the actors is playing the exact same role.)

    And I remember the original non-mystery pilot of "Glory Days." Awful.

  8. And I remember the original non-mystery pilot of "Glory Days." Awful.

    Well the retooled version was pretty terrible too.

    And is the October Road character the same in that he's got the same personality or the same in that he even has the same name. Because the only person I recognize from GTC is Brad Henke and he's not playing Ungalow here.

  9. No, Henke's not playing Ungalow, but Evan Jones played a character named Ikey (one of the townie buddies that Space and Ungalow left behind) in the first show, and is playing a character named Ikey in this one. Also, the Geoff Stults character has the same name (Eddie Latekka) was another one of the Going to California townies, though that guy was played by a different actor.

    And trust me: the original version of "Glory Days" was far worse than the one that aired.

  10. If "October Road" is anything like the promos, I think the word you're looking for is "awful."

    It looks *godawful*!
