Tuesday, March 27, 2007

This guy walks into a psychiatrist's office...

So thanks to that wacky "Battlestar Galactica" finale, yesterday was by far the most-visited day in What's Alan Watching? history (or, at least, since I installed a hit counter a few months ago). And what do I have as an encore for all these potential new readers? Um... uh... nothing right this second, sorry.

We're entering that annual period where my life gets taken over by "The Sopranos." The Star-Ledger is more than a little obsessed with the show, and between what Matt wrote in the first three seasons and what I've done from season four on, we've written enough to fill a book or two. (You can find some of the highlights over at NJ.com's "Sopranos" page.) I'm just glad the show is so great; I can't imagine how awful the last eight years would have been if, say, David E. Kelley had written a hit drama where the main character waddles down to pick up his Star-Ledger at the start of every season.

So between now and the April 8 premiere, I've been pulled off of virtually any non-"Sopranos" assignment, which means no new column links this week. (I managed to carve out time in my schedule to watch and write about "The Shield," which is possibly even more awesome than ever, and "Entourage," which has some problems, but also has Carla Gugino, so it ain't all bad.) Plus, a lot of my evenings are being devoted to "Sopranos" content. I passed over all of primetime last night to get ahead on some of my writing ("24" is my only Monday show that wasn't in reruns), and I'll be at "Sopranos" events in NYC tonight and tomorrow.

I'll be blogging as much as I can ("American Idol" posts will just get done later than usual, and I intend to say lots about this week's brilliant, goosebump-inducing "Friday Night Lights"), but between "Sopranos" overload and the fact that so many shows in the usual rotation are still in reruns, content may be more irregular than I would like. Sorry.


  1. Hot off the heels of BSG's amazing finale, we now have The Sopranos and The Shield and in two months' time, Milch's new show on HBO. Awesome. :)

    "The Shield," which is possibly even more awesome than ever


    Can't... wait... any... longer... MUST.... watch...

  2. Milch's new show on HBO

    I don't know that I'd get too geeked up for that one just yet, as it looks less like another "Deadwood" than Milch doing some kind of David Lynch impression. At press tour, he asked a few of us what we thought of the trailer for the series, and someone said, "I have to admit I was kind of confused," and he said, "That's okay. You were supposed to be."

    Can't... wait... any... longer... MUST.... watch...

    Imagine how I felt after seeing the season premiere last July and realized I had to wait another six months (which later turned into nine when FX moved the premiere back to April) to see what happened next.

  3. Imagine how I felt after seeing the season premiere last July and realized I had to wait another six months (which later turned into nine when FX moved the premiere back to April) to see what happened next.

    Oh, poor you! ;)

  4. I finally had a chance to watch the season premiere of The Riches on my Tivo and was positively DROOLING over The Shield promo at the end. That promo alone was ten times better than the show that preceded it. I cannot wait!

    I only wish they were re-airing the season finale of last year first. According to my Tivo schedule, they are not, which is a shame. I would love to have the one-two punch of watching the finale and new season premiere back to back.

  5. Glad to know we have more "Sopranos" collumns to look forward to. Any direct way to get to old articles you've written? Are they available on the Star-Ledger site, or are they for subscribers only? The "more" stories on the page linked above seems to just reload that same page.

  6. TL, one link works, one doesn't. Try the one under In the News (or just click that, I suppose).

  7. Got it -- Thanks. Good stuff, and I'm looking forward to your season 6.2 coverage.

  8. Have you and Matt thought about doing a compilation book of your Sopranos columns? I started reading them last year, they are great and I think it would make a nice anthology, plus I'd like to get my hands on the early season columns.

  9. First should come Alan's NYPD Blue book. Reading his write-ups after watching each episode of the first four seasons was a treat.

    Now, where the HELL are seasons 5+, Fox?!
