Wednesday, April 18, 2007

American Idol: Top 7 results

Thoughts on this week's pleasantly surprising boot are up at, but you can comment on it here.


  1. Hooray. I can stop watching until the finale. Sanjaya, like it or no, was the only interesting thing about this season. Idol's got a whole month of chaff ahead.

    The VFTW guy was on Letterman last night, having his praises sung. That appearance sort of fortold Malakar's exit. You fly too high...

  2. I liked yer "tone-deaf MySpace heroes" line, as well as the "mighty morphing hairdo." Sanjaya was truly the Face That Launched a Thousand Snarks. He will be missed.

    Oh, wait... yeah, whew. I'm over it.

    Loooved Simon Cowell in desperate damage-control mode.

    Didn't mind seeing LaKisha get a fore-taste of her future departure either. Girl needs to stop thinking she won the thing in the Round of 12. Put it on the line!

  3. I was surprised that the bottom three panned out in terms of who actually performed the worst the night before. (well Chris wasn't so hot either, but I thought Blake was worse)

  4. Shocked. Utterly shocked by this one. While I dont think anyone realistically envisioned Sanjaya taking the cake, would anyone have bet money that Phil, or even Chris or Lakiesha in recent weeks, would outlast him?

    At this point I think Jordan, Melinda and Blake are the only three who could argue they belong in the finals, and I think Blake's low score this week was the real surprise. As bland as this group may be, Blake and Melinda are the only ones even making a small effort to stand out.

    I can see how Phil could take the country-music fan vote this week, since he really did have a decent performance and deserves to fight another day, and Chris was probably boosted by the scare of the judges' negative comments, while Blake suffered from the "comfort" of positive comments for, what, at least 4 weeks straight now.

    Hate to admit this, but I enjoy the show much more once the competition starts to kick in and I can just enjoy the quality vocalists doing their respective thangs without all the hooplah surrounding the awfulness of the early round tryouts, and the gimmick boys who overstay their welcome.

    Of course, I'm not a tween or older woman, and I've never actually voted, so...

  5. >>I enjoy the show much more once the competition starts to kick in and I can just enjoy the quality vocalists doing their respective thangs

    So, the finale, then?

  6. I would argue that while she wasn't going to win, Stephanie probably should have made top 4 or 5. Nonetheless, I can't argue much with who's left.

    Now the question is, who will survive "hope and compassion" week? I'm guessing Melanie, Jordan and even KiKi will blow it out, and I suspect that this might be another theme that favors Phil. I'm betting on Chris being next out.

  7. So, was Melinda actually 4th, after Phil, Jordin and Chris? (in that order, I believe.) Cuz that would be interesting.

    Not surprised by Phil's presence in the top 3. He was a clear standout in country week and the Nashville people need someone to root for, in a year that, so far, hadn't provided them with any. I expect yesterday's perforance to carry him through, hm, at least two more rounds. (Chris and Kiki will go before he does.)

  8. Hmmmm, Sanjaya isn't even in the bottom three the last few weeks, and now suddenly he's gone -- right before the big fundraising spectacular. Convenient.

    I'm sure the producers of the show are glad the distraction that is sanjaya is gone just in time for the huge 'America Gives Back' nights next week.

    I'm not one that gets caught up in conspiracy theories, but does anyone think the powers that be made certain Sanjaya was not going to be around for Idol's big week next week?

    Even Simon's reaction to the bottom 3, something like "I'm beginning to sense something" (smiling the whole time) gave off an impression that he knew what was about to happen.

    As far as i know, the judges never know who is getting voted off.

    It all could just be coincidence, but it got me thinkin at least lol

    That said, i'm glad he's gone. hopefully he doesn't take all the criticism (that he may not even really be aware of if it's true that he hasn't paid much attention to it) too hard.

    I still think they should change it to voting OUT a person each week.

  9. Gah! I wasn't home last night, and my DVR decided not to record Idol. I could usually care less about watching results shows - I tend to fast forward through most of them - but I would have loved to see Sanjaya get the boot.


  10. I wouldn't guarantee that Melinda was #4 based on that. I think that they knew that if Melinda was in one of the groups, and particularly if she were in a group with Jordin, it would be pretty obvious that that was the group that was safe.

  11. Nah, that didn't mean that Melinda was No. 4 at all. She was in the Top 4, and she was the one the producers felt would give the best reaction when faced with the George Huff Memorial Choice. They don't ever give away any real rankings of the top vote-getters.

  12. Ah, thanks for clearing it out. Because Seacrest kept repeating "our top three". Chris was probably #4, then.

  13. Hey Alan, I was trying to track down your e-mail address, but didn't see it here or on the Star-Ledger site, so I'm hoping you're still checking this comment thread. (Obligatory AI comment: Thank God Sanjaya's gone. And I hope that "eye-rolling" debunking sticks in The Drudge Report's collective throat.)

    Anyway, the reason I'm writing is that I'm working on a HOLLYWOOD REPORTER story on TV critics, for a special "EmmyWatch" issue, and since I enjoy your blog, I was hoping to include you. If you're interested, e-mail me at . My deadline's a week away, so I'd need to talk with you fairly soon, but I wouldn't need more than 10 minutes by phone. And I'll pay for the call.

    -Noel Murray
