Wednesday, April 11, 2007

American Idol: Top 8 results

"American Idol" results thoughts over at, but you can talk about them here.


  1. I liked watching the kids forget the words in the group song... Come on people, repeat after me: Te quiero, amor mio. Sanjaya can do it! You can too!

  2. Wow, they really ridiculed Haley this week. Glad to see her mother is apparently still proud of her, though :P

    Question: Could there be any more filler material?

    But yay, Martina McBride next week! It'll be weird though, with no country singers this time around... But maybe because of that there could be some great performances.

  3. With Phil, Chris and (albeit to a slightly lesser extent) Lakiesha pretty much destined not to be an Idol, does this leave Sanjaya with a Top-Four lock? Is is even plausible at this point that he doesnt outlast the contestants who have just barely hung on thus far? Alan, you keep insisting that the order that the losers go doesnt matter, but at what point does it really begin to impact the competition, when the bottom three consistently leave out the worst performer for, what, 4 weeks straight? At this point, it could be wholly possible to actually watch the kid snake his way into the finals, and then ... who knows what could transpire.

  4. Mike Mac, I still firmly believe that Sanjaya's not going to win, because once the really good singers start going home, their votes will flow to the other good singers, not to him. Even if he makes final two, any of Melinda, Jordin or Blake would stomp him in the vote.

    But even if he wins on some fluke, I don't know that it matters that much anymore. Chris Daughtry and Clay Aiken have shown that it's possible for a runner-up (or, in Daughtry's case, Miss Congeniality) to significantly outshine the winner, and the franchise has survived. Unless we get two or three joke winners in a row, I don't think it's going to chase away the viewers.

  5. I don't think it's going to chase away the viewers.

    [snark] What a shame. [/snark]

  6. I've been agreeing with Alan all along on this: There's still chaff left in this competition and plenty of singers collecting votes. I'm guessing that Sanjaya has maybe two weeks left-- enough time for Phil and Chris R. to hit the bricks-- and then the remaining singers will have their support fortified by the (I'm guessing vast majority of) voters who sincerely wish for good performers to remain in the competition. (All that said, I thought Sanjaya was actually one of the better performers on Tuesday. Can someone please make this kid sing "Crocodile Rock"?)

    And boy am I feeling for you poor TV critics who have to deal with the extra half-hour tacked onto the results show. (I watch the relevant action in five minutes via TiVo.) As Krusty the Clown once said, "It's the tightest three hours and twenty minutes in show business."

  7. That was the importance of seeing the 3/3/3 split last week. We know that anyone who is voting for someone else is not going to start voting for Sanjaya. So that fact that he's in the second group means that it is practically impossible for him to make the top three, and unlikely he'll make the top four. Unless the vote that week was very uncharacteristic, which I don't believe, based on who was in each group.
