Friday, April 06, 2007

Ho'od win: Geraldo vs. Bill O'?

Cable news was always more Matt's area of interest than mine, but this smackdown between Geraldo and Bill O'Reilly is just astounding -- not least because it makes Geraldo seem reasonable and sympathetic.


  1. Mind if I re-post this in the Livejournal community
    Who'd Win A Fight?

  2. It's not my link. Post it wherever you like.

  3. Yikes, that's one high-volume smackdown. I think I ruptured an eardrum watching it.

  4. When I saw it this morning, I remembered that in the mist-shrouded past, Geraldo wasn't always a punchline. Of course, O'Lielly always has been.

  5. Right - Geraldo actually used to have principles.

  6. Geraldo used to be a pretty good muckraking reporter, back in the day (when the 70s were more than a punchline of a tv show), and if it takes an O'Reilly to remind him of that, well, I guess the Blusterous One has served at least one purpose in his time on this planet.

  7. Anybody know where I could get a copy of Geraldo's ca. 1989 "Devil Worship" special? That was hilarious, and probably the tipping point for the Geraldo we know now.

  8. I think Hell has froven over - I actually sided with Geraldo and agreed with him fully for once.

    Bill O' Reilly is a stain on this country. It was great to see Geraldo stand up to the bully.

  9. I saw a clip of the shouting match on both ABC News and the tabloid news show that followed. And, yes, I agreed with Geraldo. O'Reilly, as usual, came off as a narrow minded blowhard.

  10. O'Reilly is a lunatic. So good to see Geraldo reasonable again. I remember him on his first big show, 'Good Night America'(?)in the 70's and we all loved him then.

  11. Boy, Colbert is gonna have a field trip with this one.

  12. I remember when Howard Stern aired a boxing match between Geraldo and Frank Stallone. Geraldo made a big deal about how often he trains and what great shape he was in... and Frank Stallone kicked his ass. Not Sylvester Stallone, mind you -- Frank Stallone. And that was almost 20 years ago. O'Reilly would have mopped the floor with Senor Porn Mustache.

  13. Dark Tyler, I'm not picking on you, but when you said "field trip" instead of "field day", it made me think that Colbert's going to be going to the Museum of Natural History with his 4th-grade class. His moms will pack him a tuna sandwich, an apple, and a Devil Dog, but he'll trade the Devil Dog to Tommy Gunderson for his Funny Bone. Then he, Tommy, and Maggie Daniels will share her thermos of Mountain Dew (with half shot of vodka that she snuck out of the liquor cabinet.)

    Stephen's gonna be pissed by the end of the day, though. Maggie's got a crush on Tommy.

    Then Colbert's going to go off on Geraldo.

  14. The last time Our Humble Correspondent got that angry, it was also with someone he knew, and it became a promo. I think each man believed what he was saying, but ratcheted it up for TV.

    You might say Geraldo won on style points, but O'Reilly won on the actual issue. While the comments have criticized O'Reilly personally, no one has said "He's wrong! We need MORE illegal immigration."

  15. I'm sorry. I didn't realize there was anyone who needed to be told that Geraldo was right and O'Lielly was wrong. My bad. Here it is.

    Geraldo was absolutely correct: we have a system and economy built upon the assumption that there will be a surplus of cheap (oftentimes illegally cheap) labor; big business - and its policy and lobbying arms - want to remove barriers to entry and expedite the "illegal alien"-to-"guest worker" path; finally, our entire culture is based upon immigration and assimilation. During each wave of immigration, nativists rant and rail, foaming at the mouth about the destruction of America at the hands of foreigners. Perhaps O'Lielly and Pat Buchanan and their ilk should quit their punditry and reform the Know Nothings. I'm sure they could attract quite a few people.

  16. Dark Tyler, I'm not picking on you, but when you said "field trip" instead of "field day", it made me think that Colbert's going to be going to the Museum of Natural History with his 4th-grade class.

    And that's why I shouldn't go online before I had some coffee in me.

    In any case, a field trip would have been fun! :P

  17. Alan - sorry this is off topic, but I didn't see a way to email you. You wrote a lovely post last year about my dear boss, Scott Brazil. I'm currently participating in a walk to raise money for ALS research, in his memory. If you or anyone you know who'd be interested in participating, here's the link.

    And Geraldo? Yesterday's "Best Person In the World!"
