Monday, April 02, 2007

In the beginning, there were ducks...

The Star-Ledger kicks off its week-plus of "Sopranos" premiere coverage with the episode guide to season one, preceded by this:

It's been nine years, 77 episodes, a dozen or so dream sequences, a long trip to Purgatory, and a death toll too high to count since "The Sopranos" began its run back in January of '99. The first of nine final episodes debuts Sunday night, and we intend to send the show off properly. (It's the least we could do after Tony's been a loyal subscriber for so long, right?)

Look for my review of the final season's first two episodes on Wednesday. Sunday Spotlight will feature a package of "Sopranos" goodies, including profiles of the behind-the-scenes personnel who gave the show its Jersey flavor, plus a few essays on the show's legacy. And a week from today brings the return of Sopranos Rewind, my weekly dissection of each new episode.

But first, it's time for a refresher course on the first six seasons: how to tell Richie apart from Ralphie, why Phil Leotardo hates Tony so much, and pretty much every other useful bit of "Sopranos" knowledge. (Except, of course, what really happened to The Russian, because the writers are never, ever going to explain that one.) Your guide to season one is here today, and we'll take it season by season through Saturday.

Oh, and one very small hint about the new season: You may want to brush up on your Monopoly rules.

To read the whole episode guide (if you need the refresher), start here.


  1. You are going to be one busy busy writer. I liked reading on Saturday what was upcoming for the Sopranos coverage. It read something like this for those non-Star Ledger subscribers "First there will be article by Alan, followed by Alan's thoughts, then somemore writing by Alan, with a final recap of some writing by Alan" Are you sure you can't just post the url for the 7-minute Sopranos video recap and go home early? I found it to be quite helpful :) Anyway good luck for the next few weeks.

  2. OT of The Sopranos (which I can't believe begins on Easter, eep!), what did you think of The Tudors? Is it worth checking out? Thanks!

  3. The Russian is dead. There's a video on the HBO website which shows all the people who died, and the Russian is one of them.

  4. The HBO ad for the new season puts a question mark after the Russian's so-called end fades onto the screen for just an instant...blink and you'll miss it, but Tivo won't...

  5. So, about the ducks which so enamoured Tony in the first episode. Were not Tony, Carm, AJ and Meadow,about to take her place, at the last dinner, sitting ducks? The guy who went to the washroom *(surely an hommage to The Godfather) was going to pick them off. Well done, Mr. Chase....

    GB in St. C., ON
