Sunday, April 15, 2007

Mmmmm what do you say....

Bizarre, belated but hilarious "O.C." tribute in last night's "SNL" Digital Short. Here's a clip from the season two "O.C." finale; fast forward to about two minutes in for the relevant part. And here's the Digital Short.

The genius of the SNL version is that the song starts in the exact same place, every time.


  1. That's maybe the most random thing I've ever seen in my entire life. I'd love to know the story behind it.

  2. That was hilarious last night. I've watched it at least seven times.

    Sidebar - can you confirm. friend called me and a reporter for the Chicago Tribune (NOT Mo Ryan) is reporting in today's paper that Friday Night Lights is coming back for 8 episodes next season. Yet I find NOTHING anywhere online and I figured you or Mo Ryan would drop everything and post this fantastic news.

  3. Update to my last post. It was Eric Zorn's Change of Subject column in Sunday's (today's) paper.

  4. Ohhhhhhh. Now that bit makes a whole lot more sense.

    (kids these days)

  5. This was very, very funny.

    But, what's the deal with parodying a canceled show the last episode of which has already aired and a scene that aired at least two years ago?

  6. Ah. Thank you, Alan. That has been driving me nuts since last night. I knew it was from a show I used to watch, and I knew the moment was hilarious instead of poignant because of the look on the guy's face, but I couldn't remember what it was! Luckily, I came to the right place. So, so funny.

  7. What makes the bit work so well is you don't have to have ever seen The OC to understand what they're going for. It's a spoof of the way most TV character deaths are very overly dramatized and full of extra emphasis.

  8. It was just odd how dated it was. Plus, as has been the case with SNL sketches for the majority of it's lifetime, the writers had no idea how to end it so they went for the easy stupid out.

    This might be interesting for you Alan if you haven't seen it yet:

    I like Studio 60 quite a lot (largely because I could listen to Sorkin dialogue forever and for Matthew Perry), but it gets the tone down.

  9. While I was watching I wondered if they were purposely spoofing that scene from The O.C. or if it was just me remembering an obscure television moment years later and applying it to the scene out of context.

    Funny stuff.

  10. the randomness of the video just ads to its pure humor. I probably hadn't seen that OC scene in 2 years and yet after watching the SNL clip I couldn't stop laughing. To think people put that Imogean Heap montage in their top-5 TV montages ever is just hysterical now.
