Thursday, May 31, 2007

Battlestar Galactica: The end is near

I'm going to be otherwise occupied for most of Friday thourgh Sunday, so I may not get a chance to blog right away on "Studio 60," "Pirate Masters" or anything else. But in the meantime, I figure I'd pass on this bit of sad-and-yet-not news: the next season of "Battlestar Galactica" will be the last.

Quoth Moore and Eick:
"This show was always meant to have a beginning, a middle and, finally, an end," producers said. "Over the course of the last year, the story and the characters have been moving strongly toward that end, and we've decided to listen to those internal voices and conclude the show on our own terms."
I think most of the hardcore fanboys and girls knew this was coming. Moore's been talking about finality a lot lately, and when the fourth season order was originally 13 episodes, there were reports saying that if it expanded to 22 -- which it eventually did -- that would be a sign that the Sci Fi people were giving the production team a chance to wrap things up.

So go create a kick-ass final season, guys. Better to tell the story you wanted, in the way you wanted, and give it a proper ending, then to drag things out forever and ever.


  1. I'm saddened by the news, because I'll miss it when it's over, but this feels right. With all the talk on the podcast of the show moving into its final act, I've been wondering how it could possibly be pushed beyond a fourth season (which also isn't feasible with the ratings). I'm truly excited to see this series through to the end. It's been a special journey.

  2. So say we all. (Did I really just say that? Holy frak. D'oh!)

  3. This is distressing, because it is a good show, but I have seen too many good shows go on far, far too long. To go out on top is best.

  4. I'm sad about it. But cool with the idea that they get to create the ending they want. It would have been worse to end like "Jericho" did this year...with an ending that leaves you wondering what *would* have happened.

    I'd rather have BG go out with a bang than a whimper. Bring it on!!!!

  5. I think it is all too rare that a show does the classy thing and quits while it's ahead, so I say "Bravo."
    Besides, I am sure that much of this team will be back for whatever project is next.
    Maybe they could redux "Planet of the Apes"?

  6. I am more upset by the rumor that the fourth season of Dr. Who will be the last. BSG is arcing to a nice close and are smart not to push it.

  7. This is a very smart move by Moore and Eick (and SciFi.) The ratings for BSG have been trending downward from the beginning, even as the show has picked up lots of critical acclaim, so renewal for a 5th season would be a challenge for a show that's expensive to produce, even if it is the network's flagship (and, as far as I can tell, the only homegrown show of note on SciFi.)

    Storywise, it makes even more sense. For a serial that's not a soap opera, but is out to tell a story with a beginning, middle and end, it's necessary to decide when to end the show and not succumb to X-Files Syndrome. With Lost also setting a timeframe for wrapping things up, is this a trend?

    And because there are only 20 episodes (plus the 2-hour fall story that goes back before the s3 cliffhanger), there may be enough time to wrap things up satisfactorily and yet not enough time to have to fill slots with episodes like "Black Market" and "The Woman King."

  8. Is it too late to save "Firefly"?

  9. BTW, did anybody see that new Pirate show? I caught the opening, it was weird. Should I watch the rest of it tonight?

  10. Homertojeebus, I watched the whole hour. It's pretty darn boring, and basically just survivor on a boat. I would skip it unless you live for reality shows.

    I am sad BSG is ending, but I think it's the right decision. I sort of hope that after Lost and BSG this becomes more of the norm -- producers realize they can't stretch their show out forever and ask to end in a respectable manner.

  11. Re: Pirate Master - so awful it was entertaining. Scientist/Exotic Dancer? Comedy Gold. It was like a character of Zoolander stumbled into a Burnett show.

  12. Irrelevant, but I just stumbled upon a press release that said David Greenwalt is gonna be running Moonlight. In case anyone else was interested who the "Angel & Buffy people" were, well, they got the showrunner of the show they're ripping off. (LOL)

    By the way I'm delighted that BSG is ending. I really don't get some of the negativity... How on Earth (no pun intended) was the show going to sustain itself for any more seasons? For frak's sake, they found Earth!

  13. I'm both sad and happy.. sad is obvious, but happy because the best tv show I've ever watched is getting a chance to end when it wants, in a way that it wants. Moore & co were sounding like it was only going to another season or two, and I know it's going to be the best season yet. I am even more insanely excited to watch it than I was before.

  14. So the show will end with a total of 75 1-hour episodes and a 2-hour miniseries. Since cable shows usually last 12/13 episodes a season, by that standard Battlestar will have lasted ~6 seasons.

    There better not be any filler in this last season.

  15. Ack. They should have ended the show last season. I liked the first two episodes of this season, and it was pretty much downhill from there. And the season ender was so bad it was almost funny. Watchtower indeed.
