Thursday, May 03, 2007

'Gilmore Girls,' R.I.P.

So of course Warner Bros. and the CW have to go and kill my buzz from the "I Will Always Love You" scene (see below) by announcing that negotiations with Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel fell through and "Gilmore Girls" will be ending in a few weeks. The full statement:
"Announcing the final season of 'Gilmore Girls' is truly a sad moment for everyone at The CW and Warner Bros. Television. This series helped define a network and created a fantastic, storybook world featuring some of television's most memorable, lovable characters. We thank Amy Sherman-Palladino, Dan Palladino, Dave Rosenthal, the amazing cast led by Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel, as well as the producers, writers and crew for giving us this delightful gem for the past seven years. We would also like to thank the critics and 'Gilmore' fans for their passionate support and promise to give this series the send-off it deserves."

One potential piece of good news: the absence of "Gilmore Girls" increases the odds, however incrementally, of "Veronica Mars" coming back.


  1. This is excellent news! Mostly because I don't think the show needs to go on (the season 7 finale sounds like a nice cap on the show), but also because it increases Ronnie's chances of returning.

  2. I'm a spoilerphobe so I don't know what's going to happen these last two episodes, but I certainly hope we get a sense of closure. After seven seasons (and being forced to suffer through the Christopher debacle of season seven) we deserve it.

  3. If I had to choose between Gilmore and Veronica, I'd choose to see more Veronica, so I have my fingers crossed for that show. I'm still a little sad about Gilmore, but as long as they give enough for us to imagine the rest of their lives, I'm good. Agree that there was WAY too much Christopher this season.

  4. I highly doubt this will have any impact on VM's renewal. If anything, it seems like a good opportunity for the CW to completely clean house by losing 7th Heaven, GG, and VM.

    I also have a sneaking suspicion Beauty & the Geek will inherit the GG slot and Sundays will be strictly repeats.

  5. Well, since I could care less about overrated dreck like "Gilmore Girls", then I will take ANY good news on "Veronica". I really hope its back.

  6. Bummer, I guess.... I have mixed feelings. Rory graduating from college is a good place to end the series. We can watch her go off into adulthood. However, I'm worried that we won't get a proper series finale, and that would completely stink.

    I'm not even looking for a definitive resolution to Luke and Lorelai, or even Rory and Logan, just a nice, narrative finish that's thought out well. In other words, I don't want a finale with an intentional cliffhanger. If they wrote the finale where things are up in the air but you have a hint of how it will turn out, then I'd be happy. But an ending with things up in the air and no clue as to how thing will end up would be frustrating.

  7. From what I've heard the ending gives semi-closure to most of the big storylines, but left things open enough that they could have come back. So there won't be any cliffhangers (and other than Amy's obnoxious 'F U' on the way out last season, I don't think the show has ever done one anyway.)

  8. Amy did a few cliffhangers over the years. There was also Rory sleeping with married Dean, and Rory dropping out of Yale and moving in with Richard and Emily.

    I'm okay with semi-closure, and Rory's graduation seems as appropriate a place to end as any. But I think if Rosenthal had known going in that this would be the last year, he wouldn't have wasted so much time on Christopher.
