Friday, May 04, 2007

My Name Is Earl: Who's the wild man now?

I had the climax of last night's "My Name Is Earl" inadvertently spoiled for me, but it didn't make it any less funny (particularly Dutton's speech). So, question to be discussed in the comments: who saw the tribute coming, and when did you see it?


  1. About halfway through, it struck me that Sean Astin and Charles Dutton were both in the episode, and I wondered if they would be in a scene together. Just as I turned to my husband to ask him what he thought, Dutton started The Speech. We had to pause the Tivo because I was laughing so hard.

    Rudy's one of my favorite repeat movies, so it was delightful to see an homage to it.

  2. And, of course, the store owner was played by Chelcie Ross, aka the evil replacement coach who didn't want Rudy to dress for the final game of the season.

    Too bad Jon Favreau already did an "Earl" guest spot, else they could have worked him in to scream out this post's subject line. (Vince Vaughn might have been out of the question, though if Favreau was there, he could probably have been talked into it.)

  3. Did anyone actually get a scratch and sniff card to try that part out?

  4. Edward Copeland: That is an adorable Corgi!

    As for Earl, is this job going to be a continued thing? It would seem to me that having a 9-5 job would cut into his karma time.

  5. Ah. I see I completely missed the point, then, not having seen that movie or having any idea who was in it.

  6. Ed, I scratched and sniffed.

    As bizarre TV gimmicks relying on you buying unconnected merchandise go, it wasn't bad.

  7. If I'm not mistaken, Sean's brother played the other salesman. I think it was Mackenzie.

  8. Ed-
    Sprung for the S&S card but it was a dud except for #3 (Cinnamon Rolls). On the plus side, I used the rest of the magazine to line the litter box, so I've got that going for me.

  9. Alan, I didn't catch the non-Ara coach until they were dropping the credit cards on his desk, and it all flashed back for me. I thought the lunkhead big docker was also one of the football players, but I could be wrong.

    Julius, I think that was Mackenzie Austin, too.

  10. Ya know, I don't get why "Earl" gets shortchanged all the time. It's a show that consistently has great heart and originality. And though it won the Emmys for Best Writing and Directing, Jason Lee wasn't nominated for Best Actor, and the show wasn't nominated for Best Comedy Series.

    Considering what an amazingly solid season they've had this year, I'd very disappointed if they didn't get that nod this time around.

    Truth be told, I think all four of the NBC's Thursday lineup should be nominated this year

  11. File under coincidental but true: Last season's second to last episode of Earl was an homage to Lord of the Rings, another movie with Sean Astin. It was the episode about the evil powers contained within a stolen police badge. I look forward to next season's homage to The Goonies. Or, if we're really lucky, George Hickenlooper's The Low Life.

  12. Did you get around to seeing last week's episode of "Scrubs"?
