Monday, June 04, 2007

More Me TV

I'm going on "The Glenn Beck Show" tonight (with guest host Michael Smerconish) to talk a little "Sopranos." It airs at 7 and 9 p.m. Eastern.

UPDATE: It's a pretty short segment (under five minutes) that I'm told will come maybe halfway through the show, maybe a bit later. I'm the fourth or fifth guest -- and one of the preceding ones is Glenn Beck himself, oddly enough. Try not to mock me too much for my struggle to look into the camera while Smerconish's face is on a monitor a few inches below that.


  1. I'm a big fan of you, Alan. Glenn Beck, not so much. This maybe neither here nor there but a peek at some of his "issues" highlighted by could be enlightening.

  2. Alan,
    Glenn Beck is indeed loathesome. Do check out the link Alex provided. I know you are in no position to do anything about it, but at least know what to expect.
    Man, I wish it was me, I would gladly shred him for some of the crazy shit that he has said.
    Are you going to be on a panel, or one-on-one?

  3. This could possibly be the first (and only) time I'll watch Glenn Beck. The man is Class-A Putz.

  4. Glenn Beck is a sick creature.

  5. As I said in the post, Beck won't be there. Michael Smerconish is the fill-in host. I did his radio show in Philly this morning, and we got on fine.

  6. Well, whatever happens, don't do anything to jeopardize our favorite TV critic's future prospects. Let Keith Olbermann take Glenn out to the woodshed.
    On that subject, I know you try to be apolitical, but what do you think of "Countdown" from a critical perspective?

  7. I totally missed that guest-host thing. Major sigh of relief.

  8. Throw a shout out to us!

  9. Olbmermann. Media Matters. LOL.

  10. Does that LOL in response to Media Matters imply some fact or critique behind it, or is it just that any media outlet that doesn't end up escorting its hosts forcibly from the studio isn't worth commenting on?

  11. Just saw the piece, Sepinwall. Not bad. Not bad at all...;-) You gave straightaway responses to the host's questioning, very deftly conforming to the interview format. Were you nervous at all?

  12. That bald guy didn't give much of a spoiler alert. Yikes!

  13. Thanks, Apt! I'm a writer by trade, so TV appearances are usually an adjustment for me -- especially one where we only have a few minutes to cover a lot of ground like we did yesterday -- but I thought it worked out okay.

  14. Alan you did great, they needed to adjust the lights, they were reflecting badly off your glasses (or asked you to take your glasses off)

  15. Thanks. Like Eugene Levy in "Waiting for Guffman," I have a lazy eye, and the specs help keep it centered. I'll take glare over me looking like a mental patient.

  16. Is this on YouTube yet? :-) Sorry I missed it, Alan!

  17. Alan,
    way to go, you did a great job. Hope this leads to more TV appearances.
