Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Morning odds 'n sods

So, I'm assuming the 15 minutes of fame are over, though all the interest in the Chase interview might extend it for another few hours. To update from yesterday, I was mistaken when I said I was on "All Things Considered." It was "Morning Edition," and you can listen to the segment (about spoilers, taped last week) by clicking here. The "CBS Evening News" appearance turned out to be about 15 seconds (a commentary on the 15 minutes theory?) My return appearance to "Countdown," which went well, isn't up on YouTube as far as I know, but if anyone finds it, feel free to post the link.

In between all my famewhoring yesterday, I apparently wrote an entire column about the new season of "Rescue Me," but I really don't remember doing it, and don't think it's a particularly well-argued bit of criticism. Short version, to spare you from reading it: the comedy bits are still very funny (save the stuff with Tommy dealing with all his women), but the only dramatic bits that are working at the moment involve Jack McGee. We'll go into more detail tomorrow night.

Finally, "Big Love" came back last night, and though I promised to be more diligent in blogging on it this year than last, I just don't have the mental energy this morning (plus, as I said in my column last week, I still feel like the show is holding me at a remove, or maybe it's just that I dislike Bill Henrickson so much). Feel free to comment, and I'll chime in with my thoughts on your thoughts. Or if you want someone who actually put some thought into a review, check out Todd VanDerWerff's review over at The House Next Door.


  1. I really enjoy Rescue Me, but have learned to pretty much take the show at face value and not think too deeply about it. It seems like they're mostly concerned with trying to make the show dramatic or funny in the now and don't worry about the consequences or continuity.

  2. Aw, you're getting gawker shout-outs! Good job! I love your blog.

  3. I heard you on the radio this morning, Alan, and I got very excited. Like, "Hey, that's my friend Alan!" Except, er... you don't know me. But I love your blog. And The Office, The Riches, and Big Love.

  4. Thanks for that link. I was lamenting that none of my regular haunts cover Big Love, and I no longer live with the roomie I used to watch it with, so I was alone with my thoughts.

    I enjoyed the episode--past few weeks I've been without a favorite show to watch, so it was very nice to have one my last year's shows back. (A prelude to the return of WEEDS, which will be just...awesome. And Dexter).

    I thought of you during the episode, the part about Roman being too evil, and I notice that other blogger says the same thing. It was when Roman was asking the guy if he was LDS, saying he liked to discuss faith with people. It reminded me that Roman's a cult leader, and one of the essentials of cult leaders is that they need to be charismatic. True, he did usurp the role (rather than pull the families in initially), but I suddenly agree--as much as I love his evilness, I'd also love to see more of the other side that someone like him MUST have--we know why they fear him, so why do they love him? When he does things like smile at that guy while putting down the LDS church using reason, or when he called Bill to say he supported him in his search for his exposer, it's like you could almost see it. But he's so creepy when he's doing it that it's hard to believe that even brainwashed cult people buy it. Then again the creepiness is so well done that it's hard to hold it against the show.

  5. I've found, too, that 15 seconds is all you get when networks interview for their stories - I've come to think it as if I'm being quoted in a newspaper, except it's a video quote...

    You've been excellent on MSNBC.
