Monday, June 11, 2007

My 15 minutes of fame not done ticking just yet

I've been slammed all day with media requests: lotta radio interviews (including a piece I taped last week for "Morning Edition" that finally aired this morning (you can check it out here on NPR's website), plus a visit to "The Jim Rome Show"), a possible return appearance on tonight's "Countdown" (albeit without Keith Olbermann, who's off today, and there's still a chance I may get bumped), and a taped segment at my desk for tonight's "CBS Evening News with Katie Couric." (UPDATE: Which turned out to be for all of 15 seconds. Woo-hoo!)

I wouldn't be stunned if the calls keep coming for a bit tomorrow, but I don't know how actual celebrities get any work done. I'm trying to write three different stories for tomorrow (including more on Sopranos, a Rescue Me review and something else), and every five seconds the phone rings. It's such a hard, hard life! (Right now I imagine every reader of this blog rubbing their thumb and forefingers together in imitation of the world's smallest violin.)

If any other appearances pop up, I'll update this post. And if you've somehow already seen or heard me once today, you should be good, as all the questions and most of my answers have been the same. On the plus side, the CBS segment will give you a glimpse of my glamorous, immaculate workspace.


  1. I love you Alan, but why are you the designated go-to-guy for The Sopranos? Is it just because of the Jersey connection? Because it's not like other TV critics have exactly ignored the show.

  2. Alan, you should do something kinda crazy, but memorable, like pick a fight with Katie Couric. I know it's a taped segment, that's the crazy part!

  3. Somebody needs to delve into the true tragedy of the Sopranos finale: That Paris Hilton was behind bars and thus probably unable to see it. Hasn't she suffered enough?!?

    So sad.

    :-( Dan

  4. I agree with the idea that you should pick a fight with Katie - ask her if she's planning any alterations in her wardrobe to try and improve the slumping ratings.

  5. Alan, wait, I've got it! Genius idea! Right before the end of the segment, shove a piece of black construction paper in front of the camera!

  6. Sadly, I taped the CBS piece hours ago. I am, however, relatively pleased with the tie I wore this morning in anticipation of all these media requests, so if Katie critiques my wardrobe, I'll feel comfortable with my choice.

  7. That still leaves "Countdown". Try ordering the producers to cut the host's mic.

  8. Can someone please YouTube the CBS and Countdown pieces?

  9. Have the ratings for last nights Sopranos episode come out? I know the NBA finals had awful ratings and am curious to see what the number of viewers last night actually were.

  10. (Right now I imagine every reader of this blog rubbing their thumb and forefingers together in imitation of the world's smallest violin.)

    While adding a hearty, "Oh, poor you!"

  11. Wow, how about that 10-second Katie Couric appearance? I'm a star, baby! A bright, shining star!!!!!!!!

  12. I'm told, by the way, that my Countdown appearance will be close to 8:30.

  13. just finished watching the news.. more like 15 seconds of fame. they barely covered the review angle.

  14. Well darnit! I missed seeing your "workplace" (which was probably more interesting that all the Sopranos discussion since the dawn of .. well.. the series)

    still... would have loved to see your desk (or whatever)

    This waiting for the Sopranos to end is getting to be like a presidential election. Hopefully I will wake up soon and it will all b e over. Then again, in 2000, it wasn't...

    --Pam (focusing on other things, like Isaiah Washington (just what *was* it that he was "mad as hell and not going to take.." anymore?)

    Happy Media Tour. :)

  15. PS -- if you want your 15 minutes, try Isaiah's publicist's website. I think it's (and if not, a quick google will sort you out. I just had to laugh at the name. it was really very good - as were some of the pages on the site.)

    --Pam (who doesn't get HBO unless Scott Bakula has a movie on it (and so far, I think he's stuck with Showtime))

  16. Alan, while your choice of ties does appear spot on, I watched the youtube of Friday's Countdown, and would offer 2 suggestions. First, straighten the tie a bit.. and after you sit down, reach under your jacket down by your tummy and give the shirt a mild tug to flatten it out at the collar. :)

  17. windows media centered tonite's countdown. great interview. i hated it at first, but yeah it does make sense to me now. i'm gonna miss this show and reading your summaries every sunday night.

  18. "windows media centered"

    yup, now there's a phrase with that special "zip" that's going to ensure lots of people pick it up ;-)

    Forgive me, but I love to watch nouns turn into verbs (and there was a time when I watched a lot of Buffy). My all time favorite was the time when Scott Bakula suggested that someone could "just photoshop you into" (some picture), because
    a. I'd never heard that word used as a verb before that day
    b. Scott Bakula is one of the most non-computer literate people I (sort of) know.

    so basically, it just made me giggle. (I lie - I almost fell over, from the shock.)

    --(of course it's Pam, who alas, missed all the media, and hopes it got, somehow, YouTubed ;-) )

  19. Alan,
    great appearance last night. I thought I saw you mulling a Crispin Glover-style karate kick and thinking better of it.

  20. ya were the top headline on the
    beating out Paris Iraq and other big news items....

    ya should climb to the top of the Star Ledger building and yell'top of the world ma....'
