Friday, June 08, 2007

Still more me on TV, take two

So, as I said in the previous entry, got bumped from MSNBC afternoons because of wall-to-wall Paris Hilton coverage (didja know she wore sweats to her hearing?), but now I'm scheduled to be a guest at the tail end of tonight's "Countdown with Keith Olbermann," also on MSNBC. I don't think I'll be on before 8:50, and probably closer to 8:55, so it won't be much longer than the Glenn Beck thing on Monday.

UPDATE: And God help me I hope this is the last one, but I'm now told that I'll be on closer to 8:40 or 8:45, as Paris Hilton continues to wreak havoc with all corners of MSNBC's schedule.


  1. Countdown! Now you're talking! My favorite TV critic and my favorite news show, together at last! And you'll be the #1 story, that's awesome. Alan, I will literally crap my pants if you mention my Renata conspiracy theory.
    I will be emailing MSNBC to let them know how much I liked it. Maybe it could become a regular gig. Some of their entertainment/soft news talking heads are hot messes. The girl who does their "Idol" coverage is dreadful. I could also do without Michael Musto.
    You will be in some good company, too. Paul F. Tompkins is really funny, and Mo Rocca is decent, not a great ad-libber.
    I think my fellow bloggers and I should contribute a pool of jokes/wisecracks that you can use on air. whaddaya say, team?

  2. Oh, one more tip, Alan. Wear a tie that really "pops".

  3. Great segment! You looked and sounded terrific, and the split screen antics were hilarious. Is Monica Novotny as nice and pretty in person as she appears to be on the air?

  4. Did Olbermann give his theory about how all this Paris Hilton stuff is Bush's fault?

  5. I heard, rather than saw, you initially because of an untimely call of nature. (Myself, I blame George Bush.) But when I heard your name, I rushed out, and ran downstairs where son #2 was watching on the TiVO connected TV.

    Nice to hear and see you rather than exchanging snark via e-mail. I still miss the Usenet group and mailing list devoted to TBDSOT.

    Cute baby, there.

  6. Nicely done, Alan, even if Keith couldn't be bothered to listen in on your insights.

  7. Countdown! Now you're talking!

    Double for me. Great segment, Alan.

  8. I agree. Great segment. And the Keith stuff was entertaining as well. I can relate to him still being a month behind... I'm only through Season 2 on DVD, so I've got a long way to go!

  9. Way to go, Alan! Just caught you on the DVR. Here's to many more.

  10. Way to go, Alan! Just caught you on the DVR. Here's to many more.

  11. So does anyone want to upload Alan's TV appearances to youtube?

  12. It's there!

    Looking good, Alan!

  13. Nice job Alan! Caught it this morning on TiVo. I just can't get enough of Sopranos talk this weekend. Sunday night can't come fast enough!

  14. Thanks, jen!!
    Good to see you, Alan. :)
