Thursday, July 12, 2007

I'm outta here like Vladimir

Heading to the airport in a few minutes and will be incommunicado until I arrive at the press tour hotel. Before I go, this morning's column includes a brief argument for the return of TV theme songs, noting how often I wind up watching "Psych" (which I otherwise can't stand) because of the theme; plus quick reviews of Lifetime's "State of Mind" and the new season of "Monk."


  1. While I actually like Psych (though, yes, Shawn can be very annoying), I'm in complete agreement about the theme song. Also, short as it is, "HIMYM" has a great music cue to open things.

    I also think the lack of themes/titles hurts shows come awards time, in that it makes it harder for viewers/voters to put actor name with character. (This can be the case even where there is a theme song/title sequence, though, like with "FNL," which really ought to allow folks to put actor names with faces.)

  2. I haven't read your column yet, but would just like to note that I love the theme from Friends, but I "never" watched the show (that was a virtual never) - even when the Thurs night line up was
    Will and Grace
    Good Morning Miami
    and I watched #2 and #4

    sometimes I just don't like something cause everyone else does. Then again, right now my favorite show is Grey's Anatomy (and this despite TWOP's list of Shonda's top 100 rules for writing GA - which I couldn't link to for you all, cause I got it in an email without a link - and Jasmin's list of Meredith/ Derek inconsistencies (and George and Izzie))

  3. Matt -
    I've been playing Guess Which Actor is Which since St. Elsewhere.
    It's annoying

    My DVR died with an unwatched ep of HIMYM so I'm terribly behind.

    And if I can remember on Sunday, and actually get near Lifetime, I might watch "the daughters of Ally McBeal" (especially if they have voice overs)

    I watched Psych - when I did - because of Dule Hill (and yeah, love that theme song)

    Interesting that they are calling this Season 2.

    have a great trip
    Pam (again)

  4. My list of great (recent) tv theme songs off the top of my head has to include:

    West Wing
    30 Rock

    and I'll fully admit CSI's theme song by the Who is pretty catchy

  5. But what did you think of Monk? All that was was a description (and a small criticism about repetition). Any chance of a real review?

  6. Pam wrote, "Interesting that they are calling this [Psych] Season 2."

    Uh, it is season two. What would you expect them to call it?

    Since we're discussing themes and "Monk," is there anyone who likes the Randy Newman theme? Anyone who doesn't the original was much better?

  7. I'm used to the Randy Newman theme now, but I liked the original "Monk" theme better.

  8. The Randy Newman theme is a travesty. I mute it and hum the original "Monk" theme, every time I watch this show. I don't understand how theme music that was nominated for an Emmy could be replaced by Yet Another Randy Newman Song That Sounds Like All The Other Randy Newman Songs.

  9. I must correct what I wrote about the original "Monk" theme music, by Jeff Beal, being nominated for an Emmy. I was wrong. It actually WON the Emmy for Outstanding Main Title Theme Music - 2003.

    I must also, in all fairness, report that the Randy Newman theme won the same award the following year, in 2004. Which goes to show that Emmys don't mean much.

  10. Anthony,

    with the first season

    airing July/August and then Jan/March - I thought it was *two* seasons

    Yeah, I don't watch a lot of USA...


  11. Rescue Me I definitely watched longer because of the theme song.

    Even though I now love the show, Big Love, I find myself singing "God Only Knows" every once in a while, and it helped keep me dedicated to the show in the beginning.

    Sadly, I think Entourage may be turning into one of those shows I hate but love the theme song.

    Good luck with the press tour!
