Sunday, July 15, 2007

The incredible shrinking Star

From the tour blog: Star Jones is skinny, and she doesn't want to talk about it.


  1. It sounds like she wants to hold off talking about it so that she can get paid a big price for the story. The only person she is serving is herself on this one.

    Besides, if she actually confirms that the weight loss was due to surgery, that is not an option available to many.

  2. I'm a weight-loss blogger and I can tell you Star Jones is not well-liked on the fat blogs because she has always been elusive about how she's lost weight. Most people suspect she's had surgery and just won't say. Whether she did or not, the secrecy makes her seem like she's ashamed of whatever she did. She has a platform from which she could help reduce the stigma and shame that come with obesity and it's a shame she hasn't done something more positive with it.

  3. She appears to have had a moderately successful head transplant. The body she chose was a little small for her head, however.

  4. I suspect that Star is uncomfortable with talking about it too much because, odds are, it will all be back eventually, probably sooner than later, and probably quickly. Nobody's happy about that, but it's usually what happens. Long-term weight loss success stories are very few and far between.

    On top of that, I don't think she owes any inside information to the fat bloggers. It's not like there's some miraculous technique she can share that will work for anyone. Fat's a very personal thing.

  5. Ah, never mind. I commented before reading the actual article. Star doesn't seem nearly as self-aware as I was suggesting.

  6. The fat may be gone, but the ugly's still there.

  7. fat bloggers need to get over themselves! They should spend more time losing weight and less looking for a weight loss messiah, since all of their previous ones Carnie, Oprah, Kirstie and janet jackson have pretty much all gained their weight back. I never understand the fascination with Star Jones. People don't like her but they can't stop talking about her and her fat and her gay husband and her lavish wedding as though she were the only person in history to have ever had these experiences. It just fuels her own twisted sense of self worth. maybe if people stopped talking about her she'd finally go away.
