Monday, July 16, 2007

Olbermann mystery solved

So NBC had a session for "Sunday Night Football," and after conducting a quick interview with Tiki Barber, I wandered over to Keith Olbermann to introduce myself and find out, as several people have asked me, what he was listening to on his iPod during my first "Countdown" appearance. According to him, it was Sean Kingston. I had no idea he was into reggae.


  1. After watching some of Keith's Special Comments, I'm surprised he's not just listening to the voices inside his head.

  2. It is still beyond me why NBC would put that hyper-partisan kook on their Sunday night football show.

  3. Maybe because they realized most of the US population wants more than the WH talking points. Someone with a brain that is not a follower will be a refreshing change.

  4. Olbermann did "Sports Center" with Dan Patrick and was pretty good. You may not like his politics, but he knows sports.

  5. So, now it's partisan to tell the truth? Interesting.

  6. I don't watch football, so I don't really know anything about the sportcasters, but I do remember that Dennis Miller, who is known for his conservative views as well as being a comedian, did a stint on "MNF" a few years back. I'm not really how that's different, except that Olbermann has a background in sportscasting and Milller, when he was hired by "MNF," did not.

  7. That, and Olbermann is just as quick to take a shot at democrats when they deserve it.

  8. Maybe because they realized most of the US population wants more than the WH talking points. Someone with a brain that is not a follower will be a refreshing change.

    So, now it's partisan to tell the truth? Interesting.

    Keith Olbermann = Left-Wing Bill O'Reilly.

    Both are kooks and hyper partisans.

  9. Olbermann's Comment after the Dems caved to Bush on supplemental funding called for Pelosi & Reid to step down if they can't deliver what 70% of the American people want: a change of direction in Iraq. That's neither partisan nor kooky.

    KO isn't liberal; he's anti-BS. It's not his fault Bush and today's R "leadership" give us nothing but.

  10. Nonsense; Olberman is as far left as it gets. That he's willing to criticize both Republicans and Democrats for not being liberal enough does not mean he's somehow an even-handed journalist; it means he's a liberal hack.

  11. Sean Kingston's first album will not be released here until July 31st. However, one song is available to download the mp3, "Beautiful Girls". It is probably the best song on the album. It's not bad. Well, if he likes Patti Smith, he could like anything.
