Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dog day treats

Two links courtesy of Matt at Throwing Things related to upcoming stuff on two of our favorite sitcoms: What the folks from "The Office" did on their summer vacations, and a Slap Countdown clock that's going to figure into early episodes of "HMYM." Some spoilers in the former, but clearly none the production team doesn't want us to know about.


  1. Thanks for the hat tip. Well, arguably, the second one is a spoiler, since, if followed, it established when a significant event will occur. If it's written in, all the better. I can see Barney trying to hide and be far away from Marshall at the appointed slapping hour.

  2. I didn't even think HIMYM made it back on the schedule this year. Is it returning in fall, or is it on the bench as a fill-in?

  3. OK, how great is it that Busy Philipps will guest in HIMYM?

    And if this meter is, indeed, a spoiler, they better use it smart and play with our expectations in a smart and funny way. Or, you know, just have Marshall slapping Barney in the cold open, for no apparent reason. That'd work too.

  4. Hey Alan --

    Playing catch up on all things HOTD and WAW...

    Would be fantastic to have your take on Silverado. I love love love that movie, and it never gets as much pub as it should.

  5. Alan, how could you? We must never know when the next slap is coming.

  6. Trust me: they want you to know. It's going to be funnier this way.

  7. What do you know...another slap just in time for November sweeps. :)

  8. I've got a feeling Barney's going to find this out and protect himself -- a forcefield of awesomeness, perhaps. But Marshall's awesome and expects that, so he goes for the slap earlier, totally throwing Barney's game off. And then maybe he slaps him at the end of the clock, too, again to throw him off.

    Who knows? This show does well to mine jokes for all they can. And I mean that in a good way.
