Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Status update

I've been down a rabbit hole the last few days working on a story for our new Sunday section, so the latest "Freaks and Geeks" recap won't be ready until later today, and I still have to watch "Damages" and a couple of other things before I can do a show blog (also, hopefully, later today). I did have a brief window yesterday in which I was able to write a column, featuring my reviews of "Power of 10" and BBC America's "Hotel Babylon." (Printer-friendly version.)


  1. Honestly, I think Damages kind of sucks.

    Sorry, Glenn.

  2. Have you watched "Grand Slam" on GSN? What do you think?

    Also, I'd love to see something on "Solitary 2.0," which is premiering this weekend on Fox Reality. Last summer I was pretty addicted to the show, although the earlier rounds were better than the later ones, I thought. I think the producers ran into the problem that what they were willing to inflict on the contestants didn't really come close to what the contestants were willing to endure in a lot of situations.

  3. Agreed, despite featuring strong performance from Ted Danson and Glen Close. Damages just isn't a decent show.

  4. Damages rocks! I don't understand these negative comments. And it's not just because of Glenn Close. The plotting is fantastic. And finding out little increments of what happened every week to the fiance and to juicy.

    Glad I can enjoy whether or not anyone on this blog agrees. I look forward to every Wednesday at 10!

  5. "Damages" was dumb this week. If that first year lawyer waited until past 9:00 pm to file a brief, then it was late (unless it was e-filed which would mean that she didn't need to deliver it personally). In fact, she wouldn't even have to deliver it to the judge's chambers; she would file it with the clerk's office and not the judge (whose secretary, as a public employee, is working past 9 pm)? If it was a courtesy copy, and the original brief was filed with the clerk, why did she have what was likely an impermissible ex parte communication with the judge?

    Silly, silly. No law firm would ever hand a brief to a first year associate like that, especially one that important.

  6. Alan- Were you able to watch the 2 Kights of Prosperity episodes? I think Ray Romano was great as a bitter drunk. Lots of funny lines. "I'm an old Zach Braff." Now I'm even more disappointed that the show wasn't given another chance.
