Thursday, September 27, 2007

Big Shots open thread

I have nothing to say about Thursday's lone rookie show, "Big Shots," save that I hate each and every main character on it, even though I like several of the actors a lot in real life. What say you?


  1. Well, I had to miss it, since it was on opposite both "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" and "Without a Trace," which I usually never watch but I have to now that James Marsters is on it.

    But I have to ask--even though the site (and none of the advance PR) has said anything about this--is this an American version of "Manchild"? Because the promos made it look EXACTLY like that show. And that was a show that was only intermittetly entertaining, although the likeability of Nigel Havers, Anthony Head, and the others tended to carry it along.

  2. If it is based on Manchild, it's an unauthorized rip-off. Darren Star was producing the US version.

  3. I saw the pilot for this at the Paley Center about a month ago, and I could sense that the audience hated it just as much as I did. Like you said, good actors, horrible characters. I think this will be the big crash and burn for the season.

  4. I made it through the first 5 minutes (mostly because my DVR inexplicably kept taping after Grey's) and I thought it was groin-grabbingly bad. I predict it is the first new series pulled. Titus' "Help a brutha out"...jeepers.

  5. Does Nashville, the reality show from Fox, count as the first show pulled? I read they yanked it this week....

  6. Watched a few minutes, just long enough to find out which Jessica Collins played Joshua Malina's mistress. (It's the "Tru Calling" one, not the "The Nine" and last night's "CSI" one.) Where is SAG on this?

    Hated it, by the way.

  7. I hate the fact that forcing it to record over my DVR's objections made Grey's Anatomy cut off early, and lose a bit in the break between the two recordings. A pox on it!!
    (haven't watched it, don't care, my brother asked me to record it cause Josh Malina is in it. I'm hoping he'll hate it)


  8. Glad to know my instincts were right on this one. Like you, Alan, the cast attracted me, but everything else repelled.

  9. I literally had a hard time sitting through this. I am not even sure I can put into words what was wrong with it.

    I hope they pull it soon so the actors can get jobs worthy of them.

  10. I don't think it would have been quite as bad if Dirty Sexy Money hadn't had a number of similar plot elements (the tranny hooker, mysterious death of a quasi father-figure, a hidden long-term affair) and done them with much more panache.

    Malina is the most perplexing one here, since he's been asked to play against his natural dorky likability. Dump this and give Dirty Sexy Money the slot. Better flow, and I think it can put a final nail in ER's coffin.

  11. Big Shots = Unimaginative Manchild Rip. All they way down to the scene where the men are sitting by the indoor pool and the Dylan McDermott character finishes up his swim. That same, shall I say it, bloody scene was a Manchild scene.

    And unauthorized as mentioned: SHO has the rights to produce an American version.
