Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Freebird! Wait, Free Earl? What?

Hat tip to Rich Heldenfels for bringing my attention to the funny "Free Earl" all-star (sort of) music video the "My Name Is Earl" people cooked up to plug season three. Any chance to hear Tim Stack sing is all right by me.


  1. I'm so happy I saw this. Hilarious!

  2. They previewed it during a recent repeat. I loved it!

  3. That was funny. Too bad they didn't get Beau Bridges or Giovanni Ribisi in for it, unless I missed them. THen again, Ribisi's character is in the slammer with Earl, isn't he?

  4. Yeah it was a classic. There are two endings too. One of them is quite funny. I've seen a few people wearing Free Earl t-shirts too. Some of the Cafepress people making a bit of money but I am tempted to get one myself.
    There is a new music video over at NBC now with Darnell sing about the crab.
