Monday, September 24, 2007

I consider myself a nyerd...

The first of today's two columns reviews the nearly identical -- and almost equally good -- "Chuck" and "Reaper":
Meet Sam. Sam is in his 20s, an underachieving college drop-out who works at a big- box store and lives with his parents. One day, through the actions of his folks, he develops superhuman powers he doesn't want and has to moonlight for Satan or face eternal damnation.

Now meet Chuck. Chuck is in his 20s, an underachieving college drop-out who works at a big-box store and lives with his sister. One day, through the actions of his ex-roommate, he develops superhuman powers he doesn't want and has to moonlight for the U.S. government or face a quick execution.

Yup, a new TV season is upon us, and that means it's time for the annual case of double vision.
To read the full thing, click here.


  1. All right, all right. I'll try them. You talked me into it.

  2. I am HIGHLY annoyed at ABC, which has decided to run a super-long Boston Legal on Tuesday night to dovetail with Dancing With The Stars. This means Reaper, House, and Boston Legal all are in that 9:30 timeslot. I assume the right choice here is to dump Boston Legal for the week. Or is the CW planning to repeat Reaper?

  3. Abbie, this is why I do what I do. Thank you.

    Matt, they're also going to air it Thursday at 9, but that's opposite The Office, Grey's, etc.

    I would skip Boston Legal, but then, I'm now allergic to all things David E. Kelley.

  4. Speaking of repeats, is Chuck being rerun on cable? And do you have any idea where & when? HIMYM has first call on the VCR in that slot.

  5. I believe Sci Fi is going to rerun it Sundays at 11, and I could swear that I saw a scheduled rerun of the pilot on NBC on Saturday night.

    Dual-tuner DVR, Devin. It will drastically improve your quality of life.

  6. also last season ran HIMYM episodes for a week after they aired, so hopefully they'll continue doing that

    as for chuck, I have to admit I liked the pilot way, way more than I thought I would and you could just picture Adam Brody nailing those Captain Awsome/The Captain lines.

    Yvonne Strahovski is rather stiff (or something, I'm just not loving her portrayl of the character that much- but granted I'm also not a 20-year-old guy, so) but I'm hoping Bilson's presence later this season will fix that problem

  7. Because I'm finally paying attention to my own tv blog these days, I posted my thoughts on Chuck over there.

    I very much enjoyed it, will watch it again, but the pilot reminded me of another show from the past...

  8. For those with Reaper scheduling issues, I hear there are torrents of the pilot floating around already, but would never, ever, ever recommend someone do something like that.

  9. i'm just happy to see ray wise on tv being evil again. he's so good at it.

  10. wow. things were somewhat quiet around here back at pilot time, weren't they?

    and with my laptop slow as mud, they may stay that was.

    I actually miss seeing Chuck lead the Herd.
