Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Shameless self-promotion

If you're in the lovely New York area this weekend (and it's especially lovely right now), I'll be appearing on a panel -- along with Matt Roush from TV Guide and Tara "Wing Chun" Ariano from Television Without Pity -- at the New York Television Festival Saturday at 5 p.m. The topic: how TV criticism on the Web (by both paid critics and avid fans) is shaping the medium in the future. For more details, click here.


  1. Now, if I go, can you get me in to the "Pushing Daisies" screening that night?

  2. I don't know if I have that power, Matt.

    One of these seasons, I ought to follow the lead of some other critics like Ellen Gray in Philly and Aaron Barnhart in Kansas City and do some kind of reader screening of the best pilots. Not enough time to put such a thing together this year, unfortunately.

  3. Wow, this panel sounds amazing. For those of us not located in NYC, is there any chance it will end up being distributed on DVD or transcribed?

  4. Alan - I've been to Aaron Barnhart's event both years now, and it's a great time for all involved. It made last year's television season a lot more exciting. This year we had a group of eight spanning 3 generations, and Reaper had those in their 80s laughing just as much as those in their 20s. I'm hoping The CW can build an audience quickly. I doubt it will happen, since 90% of the people I told about Reaper and Aliens in America have immediately asked what The CW is.

    Speaking of The CW, have you noticed that Percy Daggs III is currently featured in Hot Pockets commercials? Veronica Mars must have had an unbelievably tight budget if they couldn't afford him last year.

  5. I'll be there, Alan -- looking forward to it!

  6. I was going to ask you if you planned on attending the festival. I will be covering the event for TV Squad and am especially looking forward to the panel you are on.

    Hmm, now I have to think of a good question to ask you during the discussion.
